Government Jobs

Police Officer - Lateral

Government Jobs, Campbell, California, United States, 95008

Government Jobs - Regular - Full-Time - $129,168.00 - $156,936.00 Annually LOOKING FOR EXPERIENCED POLICE OFFICER LATERALS! **This recruitment is for Lateral Police Officer transfers only. Candidates seeking consideration for the entry-level Trainee Police Officer will need to apply to the

P olice Officer Trainee recruitment .** To avoid delays in processing your application, please read the information contained in this job posting in its entirety prior to submitting an application. Salary: Up to $175,889.35*

*The max salary reflects potential Advance POST Certificate (7.5%), Crisis Intervention Training (2%), Holiday in-lieu for City Observed Holidays (5.4%), and Specialty Assignments (5%). Campbell Police Department invites applications for the

Police Officer...