River Cities Public Transit

Driver Sioux Falls

River Cities Public Transit, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, United States, 57102

* **Education*** Name and Address of School-Degree/Diploma-Graduation Date** Other Skills and Qualifications: Licenses, Skills, Training, Awards* **Employment History*** ** Present or Last Employer* Address* Supervisor name* Phone* Email* Position Title* Start Date* End Date* Responsibilities* Start Salary* End Salary* Reason For Leaving* Previous Employer* Address* Supervisor name* Phone* Email* Position Title* Start Salary* End Salary* Reason For LeavingI understand that information I provide regarding current and/or previous employers may be used, and those employer(s) will be contacted, for the purpose of investigating my safety performance history as required by 49 CFR 391.23(d) and (e). I understand that I have the right to:* Check each box showing you have read this section and agree+ Previous information provided by current/previous employers;+ Have errors in the information corrected by previous employers and for those previous to re-send the corrected information to the prospective employer;+ Have a rebuttal statement attached to the alleged information, if the previous employer(s) and I cannot agree on the accuracy of the information. This certifies that I completed this application, and that all entries on it and information in it are true and complete to the best of my knowledge.* Type in full name as a signature for the above statement.