Cedar Crest Inc

Flex Van Driver

Cedar Crest Inc, Janesville, Wisconsin, United States, 53546

Include Employer, Phone, Address (City/State/Zip), Position/Title, Supervisor's Name/Title, Start Date, End Date, Rate of Pay, Job Duties, and Reason for Leaving Include Employer, Phone, Address (City/State/Zip), Position/Title, Supervisor's Name/Title, Start Date, End Date, Rate of Pay, Job Duties, and Reason for Leaving Include Employer, Phone, Address (City/State/Zip), Position/Title, Supervisor's Name/Title, Start Date, End Date, Rate of Pay, Job Duties, and Reason for Leaving Include Employer, Phone, Address (City/State/Zip), Position/Title, Supervisor's Name/Title, Start Date, End Date, Rate of Pay, Job Duties, and Reason for Leaving I authorize any person contacted to provide Cedar Crest, Inc. any and all information regarding my employment, education and other information concerning any of the subjects covered by the application which may include, but not be limited to, application of employment, performance evaluations, work records, excluding workers compensation if any, wage rates, supervisors comments, results of any and all non-medical tests, disciplinary reports or letters, and complaints or allegations regarding any misconduct. I release and hold harmless Cedar Crest, Inc., their officers, agents and employees, and the person (s) providing the information from any liability related to the providing of this information.* I understand that after receiving a conditional offer of employment I may be required to successfully pass pre-employment and post-employment exams to gain employment or continue employment with Cedar Crest, Inc. I consent freely and voluntarily to participant in required drug tests and/or a pre-employment physical exam at a location selected by Cedar Crest, Inc, and consent to the release of the test results to Cedar Crest, Inc. I hereby release and hold harmless Cedar Crest, Inc, their officers, agents and employees, and the laboratory, their employees, agents and contractors from any liability whatsoever, arising from the drug tests and/or a pre-employment exam and decisions concerning employment based upon the results of the tests.* I agree to use such personal protective equipment and devices as may be required by Cedar Crest, Inc. and to comply with safety rules and requirements. In addition, I understand that Cedar Crest, Inc. maintains a workplace free from drugs, harassment and violence.*