Elizabeth Public Schools


Elizabeth Public Schools, Elizabeth, New Jersey, United States, 07215




Principal (Elementary, Middle, Secondary)


A New Jersey Certificate with the appropriate Principal’s endorsement.


Responsible to the Superintendent of Schools and his designated representatives.


To effectively administer and supervise the educational program within an assigned school.


Within the approved limits of authority and in compliance with all applicable rules, regulations, and policies of the Elizabeth Board of Education and the New Jersey Administrative Code, the Principal is responsible for the effective performance of the following:

Curriculum development and Evaluation

Personnel Administration

Administration of Pupil Personal Services

School-Parent-Community Relationships

Administration and Supervision of Federal and State programs

Thorough and Efficient management

Physical Plant

Instructional Materials and Supplies

Financial Management


Within the approved limits of authority and in compliance with all applicable rules, regulations, and policies of the Elizabeth Board of Education and the New Jersey Administrative Code, the Principal is responsible for the effective performance of the following:

Curriculum Development and Evaluation:

Provides for the organization and content of curriculum.

Formulates curriculum to time commitment, physical facilities, instructional materials, and personnel.

Relates curriculum to time commitment, physical facilities, instructional materials, and personnel.

Supervises instruction.

Provides materials, resources, and equipment for the instructional program.

Plans and arranges for resource personnel to provide in-service programs.

Personnel Administration:

Selects, schedules, and assigns personnel.

Supervises and evaluates instructional and support staff.

Provides for the orientation of new staff and continuing staff development.

Promotes morale and general welfare.

Maintains personnel records as required.

Administration of Pupil Personnel Services:

Directs all pupil personnel services assigned and available in the following areas:


Health and Safety

Special Education

Speech Therapy

Library Multi-Media Services

Food Service Program


Child Study TeamGuidance and Counseling

Testing and Evaluation

Establishes and administers the discipline policy

Provides for availability and use of audio/visual materials.

Maintains accurate records as required.

Promotes, Supports and Administers School-Parent-Community Relationships:

Utilizes and directs effective programs through:

New Releases PTA Programs

Personal Appearances Inter-Agency Cooperation

Parental Conferences Special School Programs

Administration and Supervision of Federal and State Programs:

Schedules, supervises, and evaluates assigned personnel.

Maintains records as required.

Thorough and Efficient Management:

Provides professional leadership in the development of “thorough and efficient” programs as legislated.

Implements required system of reporting to the Superintendent of Schools or designated representative.

Maintenance of the Physical Plant:

Determines the needs and develops an efficient program of plant operation.

Develops a plan for the orderly growth and improvement of school facilities.

Recommends a program of repair, replacement, and structural changes when necessary.

Supervises the custodial staff.

Provision of Instructional Materials and Supplies:

Orders and maintains logistical support throughout the school year.

Meets the needs of assigned special programs.

Distributes and inventories supplies.

Selects, requisitions, distributes, and evaluates textbooks and related materials.

Financial System Management:

Implements program-oriented budgeting.

Maintains school financial records.

Implements the negotiated agreement between the Elizabeth Board of Education and the Elizabeth Education Association, and the rules, regulations, and policies of the Elizabeth Board of Education.

Assumes other duties and responsibilities as may be assigned by the Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee.
