Davidson College

Assistant Professor of Mathematics

Davidson College, Davidson, North Carolina, United States, 28036

The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at Davidson College invites applications for a tenure-track appointment in Mathematics at the rank of Assistant Professor, beginning July 1, 2025. Candidates must possess a Ph.D. in Mathematics or a closely related field by Fall 2025.

We seek candidates with a strong commitment to improving access to mathematics for students across Davidson's increasingly diverse student body, enthusiasm for teaching all levels of undergraduate students, and a research program with the potential to engage mathematics majors and possibly others on campus. Excellence in classroom teaching, grounded in inclusive pedagogy, and a research agenda in which undergraduate students can participate are essential. We seek candidates in areas outside our existing strengths of graph theory and combinatorics. We are particularly interested in candidates working in probability, algebra, analysis, logic, geometry, number theory or other research areas not represented by our department.

Davidson is an undergraduate-only institution, boasting small class sizes and close student-faculty interaction, and is consistently ranked among the nation's top liberal arts colleges. Faculty teach four courses in the first year and five courses per year thereafter; the department plans course schedules collaboratively and often finds opportunities to reduce workload through repeated courses or the teaching of multiple sections of the same course in one semester. Many of our faculty members teach special topics or independent study courses that support their research and help recruit summer research students. Our curricula in mathematics and computer science are flexible for students and adaptable to faculty interests and expertise. We expect the successful candidate to contribute to current course offerings in mathematics. We welcome the development of new courses, including those with possible connections to other fields.

The department encourages faculty to develop and teach courses with an emphasis on social justice, including those that satisfy the College's Justice, Equality, and Community requirement. Several department faculty have received support from the FIRST program and the John R. Crosland Jr. Center for Teaching and Learning to develop or redesign courses to enhance inclusivity. We value engagement with students with diverse backgrounds and interests, and coordinate interdisciplinary minors in data science and applied mathematics.

Our faculty are active scholars; several have received external funding (including a recent NSF CAREER award), collaborate with partners at R1 institutions and national research laboratories, and serve on international conference program committees. We have active research collaborations with colleagues in physics, psychology, biology, political science, and educational studies. Students are actively engaged in research; some have published, presented, and received awards for their work. There is generous funding for student research, with additional opportunities at the Hurt Hub for Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

We value faculty engagement with the professional and wider community. Two of our faculty members have held leadership roles in the Mathematical Association of America (MAA), and we are active in the American Mathematical Society (AMS), the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), the National Museum of Mathematics, and the Charlotte Mathematics Club. Davidson students and faculty have provided analytics support for numerous college and professional sports programs and built web applications for other campus offices and programs.

Applications must be submitted online at https://employment.davidson.edu. Please include the following items:

A curriculum vitae.

A cover letter (2-3 pages*) which addresses how your professional qualifications and goals align with the job description including a brief description of:

Your research interests and expertise.

Your experiences and aspirations in inclusive teaching and mentoring, as well as supporting a diverse undergraduate student population.

Note: Your CV and cover letter will be evaluated as an initial screen in the application review process

A teaching statement (2-3 pages*) that:

Describes and reflects on your teaching philosophy, aspirations and experiences, particularly in mentoring and supporting a diverse undergraduate student body including those historically marginalized in mathematics.

Describes and reflects on your approach to inclusive pedagogy: how you address barriers that prevent students from feeling welcome and accessing opportunities in mathematics, and how your past experiences and training have informed this approach.**

A research statement (2-5 pages*) that:

Describes your previous work, current interests, and future plans in a manner that is accessible and engaging to a general mathematical audience.

Describes how you would mentor and integrate undergraduate students into your research program, including ideas for one or more potential undergraduate research projects.

Contact information for three references (required at time of initial application submission). Reference letter submission instructions will be sent to email addresses provided by you. At least one reference letter must specifically and substantially address your interests and experience in teaching and mentoring.

Applications completed by Monday, October 28 will receive priority consideration, though the position will remain open until filled.

(*) In the interest of an equitable hiring process, we will neither review any additional materials nor read beyond the page limits listed for each document. Note that works cited do not count towards page limits.

(**) We invite authentic expressions of your perspective, recognizing that applicants may have varying levels of experience and come from diverse educational backgrounds. While we welcome any information you choose to share, we do not expect you to reveal any aspects of your identity or disclose personal hardships in your statement.
