Resource Logistics

Dot Net Full Stack Developer

Resource Logistics, Redmond, Washington, United States, 98052

Proven experience as a Full Stack Developer with a strong focus on Clienture technologies and microservices Clienthitecture. Proficiency in .NET development, particularly with C# and .NET Core. Strong knowledge of Clienture services, including but not limited to Clienture Virtual Machines, Clienture App Service, Clienture Kubernetes Service, Clienture SQL Database, Clienture Cosmos DB, and Clienture Blob Storage. Expertise in Clienture backend services such as Clienture API Management, Clienture Service Bus, Clienture Event Grid, Clienture Logic Apps, and Clienture Functions. Experience in Clienthitecting and deploying microservices and verification services on Clienture. Solid understanding of cloud-based Clienthitectures, deployment strategies, and cloud computing concepts. Optional: Experience or proficiency in React for front-end development. Familiarity with DevOps practices and CI/CD pipelines, especially in Clienture DevOps. Knowledge of Infrastructure as Code (IaC) using tools like Terraform or ARM templates is a plus.