Carroll County Schools

High School Assistant Principal

Carroll County Schools, Carrollton, Georgia, us, 30112

Position Type:Administration/Assistant Principal

Date Posted:3/6/2024


Date Available:07/08/2024

Assistant Principal

Purpose of the position:To coordinate and support school related matters essential to the efficiency andeffectiveness of the principal

ESSENTIAL JOB FUNCTIONS (Functions essential to attaining job objectives):Strategic Goal Area I - Student Achievement1. Engage teachers in cooperative planning for curriculum implementation to ensureagreement on core content and required student performances.

2. Assist the principal, monitor and evaluate the implementation of a standards-based curriculum.

3. Engage teachers in the use of assessment data to design and adjust instruction tomaximize student learning and achievement.

4. Assist the principal with engaging teachers in the collaborative analysis ofassessment data to plan for continuous improvement for each student, subgroup ofstudents, and the school as a whole.

5. Lead teachers to accept collective responsibility for school improvement and thelearning and achievement of all students.

6. Support job-embedded professional learning that aligns with school improvementgoals and supports student achievement.

7. Assist in the evaluation of implementation and impact of professional learning onteacher practices, continuous school improvement, and student learning.

8. Drive and sustain change in a collegial environment focused on a continuousimprovement model that supports all students meeting high standards.

9. Assists the principal in developing performance standards and instructionalobjectives with teachers and assure that they are met or exceeded.

Strategic Goal Area II - Student/Stakeholder Engagement & Loyalty

1. Engage participants in collaborative work and provide support systems thatpersonalize work and learning for both students and adults.

2. Assists the principal in promoting a positive, creative atmosphere for optimumgrowth and development for everyone in the school.

3. Model continuous learning by developing and maintaining a personal plan forself-improvement.

4. Nurture faculty, staff, and stakeholders as they engage in change processes.

5. Assists the principal in coordinating the functions of the total building staff(professional and classified).

6. Assists the principal in serving as the school's communication agent.

7. Assists the principal in supervising and enforcing attendance procedures.

8. Assists the principal and teachers with discipline problems.

9. Assists the principal in supervising student behavior and safety at bus loadingareas, parking lots, cafeteria and all campus areas.

Strategic Goal Area III - Efficient and Effective Organizational Processes

1. Engage teachers in the use of formative assessment to provide effective andtimely feedback on achievement of curriculum standards.

2. Assist the principal in developing action plans to address the results of an analysisof the school or system culture.

3. Assist the principal in developing and implementing processes and structures thatsupport a pervasively academic climate within a culture with high expectationsfor all students and adults.

4. Assists the principal in coordinating a maintenance program for facilities andequipment.

5. Assists the principal in coordinating custodial services for maintenance ofgrounds and buildings.

6. Integrate curricula to make connections within and across subject areas.

7. Use protocols to engage teachers in collaboration to determine desired results andto design assessment practices which are consistent, balanced, and authentic.

8. Promote the use of a variety of effective and balanced assessment techniques tocontrol for bias.

9. Manage operations within the structure of Georgia public education rules,regulations, and laws and the Georgia Code of Ethics for Educators.

10. Work collaboratively to implement fiscal policies that equitably and adequatelydistribute all available resources to support success of all students.

11. Ensure Georgia and federal requirements are met, including the filing of academicprogress and maintaining clear, written documentation of legal issues.

12. Assists the principal in preparing a school budget with the help of the staff.

13. Assists the principal in coordinating the use of facilities, instructional materialsand equipment.

Strategic Goal Area IV - Continuous System and School Improvement

1. Select or develop and use instruments designed to analyze beliefs, processes, andstructures in a school or district that support or impede rigor in teaching andlearning.

2. Promotes use of technology to support instruction.

3. Work collaboratively with peers, administration and parents to ensure studentsuccess.

4. Assists the principal in providing job-embedded professional learning.

5. Assists the principal in supervising and assessing building staff.

6. Assists the principal in working with instructional personnel to utilize the uniquecompetencies of staff members for the good of all teachers in the school.

7. Assists the principal in evaluating professional and non-professional staffmembers.

8. Assists the principal in interviewing prospective candidates for positions onschool staff and make recommendations for employment.

9. Assists the principal in coordinating all aspects of the school's educationalprogram.

10. Assists the principal in responding to faculty personnel problems.

OTHER EXPECTATIONS1. Adhere to the Code of Ethics for Educators in Georgia.

2. Demonstrate prompt and regular attendance/timelines.

3. Complete assignments and requirements on time and in compliance withdirections.

4. Maintain accurate, complete, and appropriate records and file reports promptly.

5. Maintain confidentiality of information and records for students and staff.

6. Communicate effectively with students, peers, administration, parents and public.

7. Exhibit pleasant behavior and project a positive image when dealing withstudents, peers, administration, parents and public.

8. Follow and enforce regulations concerning student conduct, discipline andattendance.

JOB STANDARDS (Minimum qualifications needed to perform essential job functions):

1. Master's Degree or higher in administration and supervision

2. Minimum of five years teaching experience at the grade level

3. Such alternatives to the above as the board may find appropriate and acceptable

FLSA: Exempt

JOB LOCATION (Place(s) where work is performed):Assigned school site

Evaluation Instrument for this job description:Carroll County Leadership Annual Evaluation or Leader Keys

10/14/2010 Date job description approved by the board of education10/14/2010 Date evaluation instrument reviewed by the board of education