
Kids FIRST, Lane County's Children's Advocacy Center, is seeking an Executive Di

Kids FIRST, Eugene, Oregon, United States, 97403

About Us

Kids FIRST is an accredited Children's Advocacy Center with a mission of providing intervention and advocacy for children who are victims of, or witnesses to, crime. Children are referred to us directly by our community partners including law enforcement, DHS Child Welfare, and medical professionals. We provide a warm, child-focused setting where children can receive support, be forensically interviewed, receive a medical exam, and if necessary, testify in front of the Grand Jury, all under one roof, reducing the number of times a child has to talk about what happened to them.

We are not just a Children's Advocacy Center; we're a pillar of support for children and families impacted by abuse. Since 1994, we've provided comprehensive intervention and advocacy services for children and families across Lane County. With an annual budget exceeding $3 million and 25 staff, our dynamic team of professionals includes medical experts, advocates, and forensic interviewers and serves 600-700 families each year across Lane County. Recognized consistently as one of Oregon's Best 100 Nonprofits to Work For, we are committed to excellence in everything we do.

The Opportunity

We are seeking a strategic and visionary leader who is deeply passionate about child safety and well-being. You will join a team of committed professionals who have built a cohesive and supportive environment in which to do challenging and rewarding work. Kids FIRST's new Executive Director should have a proven track record that shows the ability to manage and lead a complex, multidisciplinary nonprofit organization, with strong skills in leadership, strategic planning, fundraising, and financial management. Cultivating a positive work culture that values teamwork, diverse perspectives, and professional growth is critical to success in this role. You should be a person who thrives on being out in the community, building relationships and partnerships that advance our work, and raising awareness of the importance of our mission.

Kids FIRST has grown rapidly over the past five years, tripling our annual budget and expanding our staff and services. This is an exciting time to work closely with the board of directors and staff to develop our next five-year strategic plan and help determine our areas of future growth. Looking forward, our next ED also will play a lead role in ensuring that we have the systems and capacity to support service excellence. If leading a dynamic organization that provides essential services to vulnerable children in a well-respected organization is the kind of challenge you are seeking, please consider applying.

The Ideal Candidate - Experience and Capacities

Kids FIRST is seeking an Executive Director with the following profile:

Mission-Driven Leadership:

Passionately committed to the Kids FIRST mission. Ability to inspire and mobilize others around a unified vision and strategy. Strong emotional intelligence, compassion, humility, and humor. A leadership style of openness, transparency, and mutually supportive relationships, recognizing and appreciating the high-level skills of our professional staff.

Nonprofit and Organizational Management:

Ability to oversee all aspects of a complex nonprofit organization, including healthcare compliance (HIPAA), contractual obligations, and legal requirements, with the strategic mindset, financial/analytical, and people management skills needed to guide positive change and growth. Regularly models and promotes open and respectful communication. Continually finds ways to integrate and expand Kids FIRST's diversity, equity, and inclusion lens. Works closely with and reports to a dynamic and highly professional board of directors.

External Focus:

A skilled communicator who is energized to be the public face of Kids FIRST, prepared to be a compelling spokesperson, and able to nurture and build relationships in the community. Kids FIRST is proud of the strong relationships with our stakeholder groups including the Multidisciplinary Team, law enforcement, Oregon Child Abuse Solutions, DHS Child Welfare, and medical professionals. Experience is needed to raise the visibility of Kids FIRST and the importance of the services that we and our partners provide.

Resource Development:

Demonstrated ability to raise funds, working in collaboration with the Development Director, including annual giving, major gifts, foundations, and corporate giving. Creativity and initiative needed to develop new and/or grow promising sources of revenue to support organizational priorities and sustainable growth.
