Gesundheitshaus Reichart GbR

Programmer-Senior Job#488

Gesundheitshaus Reichart GbR, Springfield, Virginia, us, 22161

Maintain small-scale (less than 3 months) solutions tailored to meet specific customer requirements in mission-approved enterprise IT environments that adhere to rigorous organizational standards.Implement software adaptive maintenance and execute code management strategies.Provide subject matter expertise to guide organizational best practices.Maintain JEMA, or like systems, functional components in the JEMA, or like systems, visual programming environment.Adaptive maintenance and operational testing relevant technologies for applicability, feasibility, and utility against identified stakeholder requirements.Maintain or enhance system integrations via API, RESTful services, and other methods to enable ME/M2M interactions.Maintain testbeds to support operational scenarios, demonstrations, training, functional testing, and experiments specified by the Government.Provide technical expertise during project planning and execution of adaptive maintenance during production and implementation.Work with NGA Integrate Program Offices.Design and modify small-scale solutions (less than 3 months) tailored to meet specific customer requirements in mission-approved enterprise IT environments that adhere to rigorous organizational standards and provide quick operational development to meet mission.Engineer, adapt and implement software testing and execute code management strategies.Engineer, enhance and implement new JEMA, or like systems, functional components in the JEMA, or like systems, visual programming environment.Design and implement system integrations via API, RESTful services, and other methods to enable ME/M2M interactions.Engineer, design, enhance and test testbeds to support operational scenarios, demonstrations, training, development, functional testing, and experiments specified by the Government.Coordinate and execute tasks in an AGILE development framework.
