Physician Empire

Physician / Surgery - General / Kentucky / Permanent / Eastern KY75 miles to Lex

Physician Empire, Not Specified, KY, United States

Eastern KY 75 miles to Lexington 150 miles to Louisville BE/BC General Surgeon to provide full-time services at a Hospital Affiliated Clinic. Employed Position. All necessary equipment available. Supportive Administration. Collegial and tenured Staff. Endoprocedure room, multiple OR suites. Anesthesia coverage and veteran OR staff is proficient in all areas of surgery. Candidate Qualifications: US BE/BC Experience preferred Surgical Cases may include: Colonoscopy, EGD's Gallbladder, Appendectomy, Lesions, Lypomas, Bowel Resection, Debridements, Medi Ports Placement, Chest Tubes, Central Lines.