Lancesoft INC
Internal Medicine Physician
Lancesoft INC, Colorado Springs, CO, United States
- Schedule is 4 days in clinic covering 36 patient facing hours. The 5th day is more of a work from home/admin day for at least 4 hours.
- On-call is phone-only and shared in a 1:10 rotation.
- Integrated behavioral health on site.
- Ancillary services within the facility include: lab, x-ray, cardiac rehab, orthopedics, endocrinology, wound care, and physical therapy.
- Care-team model with RN and clinical MAs that help with in basket support.
- Adult and Geriatric patients
- 2 Physicians in practice; 1 APPs
- 14-16 patients per day
- EMR: Epic
- 90-day credentialing timeframe