Painters needed
Five Star Painting, Cumming, GA, United States
We are a growing established company that needs more professional painters and paint crews.
Painters must have experience, reliable vehicle and your own tools.
Contact AJ or Michael or Paul at 770-904-9971 (text only) for interview
We will ask you for a photo of your equipment and vehicle. New construction experience a plus.
Exteriors, Interiors, Cabinets, Commercial, Residential, Insurance and DL
Pay is weekly and by the job. Sub-contractor rates.
Excellent pay, and steady year round work.
Painters, paint crew, painting, sub-contractors.
Work is primarily in the North Atlanta Georgia area.
Hear from our happy customers:
Somos una empresa establecida en crecimiento que necesita ms pintores y equipos de pintura profesionales.
Los pintores deben tener experiencia, vehculo fiable y herramientas propias.
Comunquese con AJ o Michael o Paul al 770-904-9971 (solo texto) para una entrevista
Le pediremos una foto de su equipo y vehculo. Nueva experiencia de construccin una ventaja.
Exteriores, Interiores, Gabinetes, Comercial, Residencial,
El pago es semanal y por puesto de trabajo. Tarifas de subcontratistas.
Excelente salario y trabajo estable durante todo el ao.
Pintores, equipo de pintura, pintura, subcontratistas.
El trabajo es principalmente en el rea del norte de Atlanta, Georgia.
Behind every excellent paint job, are the people who get to know the homeowner, help craft the design, improve the look and feel and even keep the project moving along. At Five Star Painting®, we're looking for more people who can do that. With flexible hours, it doesn't matter if you're the stay-at-home type, or the 80-hour workweek type, there's a place for you in an independently owned and operated Five Star Painting® franchise. Apply today.
Five Star Painting LLC is the franchisor of the Five Star Painting® franchised system. Each Five Star Painting® franchised location is independently-owned and operated by an independent franchisee performing services. As a service to its independent franchisees, Five Star Painting LLC lists employment opportunities available throughout the franchised network so those employment opportunities may be conveniently found by interested parties at one central location for brand management purposes only. Five Star Painting LLC is NOT the employer seeking help. The only employer is the independent franchisee who has listed its available positions on this website.
I acknowledge that each independent Five Star Painting® franchisee hires and determines the terms and conditions of employment for its own employees. Any employment benefits, compensation and employment practices vary by location. Neither Five Star Painting LLC ("Franchisor") nor its affiliates have the power to: (1) hire, fire or modify the employment condition of franchisee's employees; (2) supervise and control franchisee's employee work schedule or conditions of employment; (3) determine the rate and method of payment; or (4) accept, review or maintain franchisee employment records. Five Star Painting LLC is NOT the employer and/or joint employer for: (i) any of the job opportunities listed on this website; (ii) any of the independent franchisees; and, (iii) any of the employees of the independent franchisees.