Surgery - Cardiovascular Physician Assistant
ProLocums, Modesto, CA, United States
- Opening:
- Dates needed for Coverage only: May 27th-28th, June 3-4th, June 19th-23rd
- Floor Coverage Only needed (no OR time): Rounding, placing orders, notes, DC. Will be solo so will need experience. No OT. No Call. Primary inpatient management, no outpatient clinic.
- Expectations: 6 Am round with physician, then huddle to review next steps with physician. After huddle the patient list is delegated between the PAs of bedside. Organize patient loads, D/C orders, progress notes updated, post-op notes entered.
- Surgical cases including cardiac, vascular and thoracic surgery.
- Bedside Procedures: chest tube/ pacer wire removal, intra-aortic balloon pump removal, suturing
- Monday through Friday, 6 am to 4 pm
- CVICU is a total of 9 beds, step down unit of 8 beds
- Patient Census: 15-25 patients per day/pending on volume.