Ronin Group
Animal Technician
Ronin Group, Davis, California, United States, 95616
3 must haves:
Take the next step in your career now, scroll down to read the full role description and make your application.
Must be able to work with a lab coat, mask and/or gloves for at least 8 hours and be able to work on your feet for 8 hours Must be able to commit to at least 3 months of consecutive service and be okay with weekly survey/questionnaire or testing Must be able to lift up to 50lbs. and push up to 300lbs on wheels
JOB RESPONSIBILITIES: • Water and feed the laboratory animals per prescribed amounts per species • Observe and report on unusual animal behavior and physical condition. • Attend on-the-job training classes on laboratory animal husbandry procedures.
CLEANING & SANITIZING • Transfer animals from dirty to clean cages with appropriate clean bedding. • Clean and wash cages, cage racks, trays, pans, water bottles, and sipper tubes • Dispose the animal refuse • Clean and sanitize animal quarters and adjacent areas
Take the next step in your career now, scroll down to read the full role description and make your application.
Must be able to work with a lab coat, mask and/or gloves for at least 8 hours and be able to work on your feet for 8 hours Must be able to commit to at least 3 months of consecutive service and be okay with weekly survey/questionnaire or testing Must be able to lift up to 50lbs. and push up to 300lbs on wheels
JOB RESPONSIBILITIES: • Water and feed the laboratory animals per prescribed amounts per species • Observe and report on unusual animal behavior and physical condition. • Attend on-the-job training classes on laboratory animal husbandry procedures.
CLEANING & SANITIZING • Transfer animals from dirty to clean cages with appropriate clean bedding. • Clean and wash cages, cage racks, trays, pans, water bottles, and sipper tubes • Dispose the animal refuse • Clean and sanitize animal quarters and adjacent areas