Valley View School District

Long term substitute High School History teacher, Paraprofessionals

Valley View School District, Archbald, PA, United States

Education The Valley View School District is accepting applications for the following positions: LONG TERM SUBSTITUTE HIGH SCHOOL HISTORY TEACHER Anticipated start date: January 20, 2025 PARAPROFESSIONALS Send letter of interest, resume and general application. Copies of clearances, physical form/TB test required upon hiring. Mr. Brian Durkin, Superintendent c/o Kelly Castellani kcastellani@valleyviewsd.org 570-876-5080 Ext. 5201 Application packet can be obtained at the above address or online at www.valleyviewsd.org. EOE Listing provided by: The Times-Tribune, Scranton, PA Times-Shamrock Communications Monster Partner Products: thetimes-tribune.com | citizensvoice.com | standardspeaker.com | republicanherald.com