Devils Lake, ND Area Jobs

School District Business Manager

Devils Lake, ND Area Jobs, Devils Lake, North Dakota, United States, 58301

School District Business Manager South Side Area School District

Full-time, 12-month position available immediately. Enrollment 855 with a $26 million budget. Preferred qualifications: bachelors degree with a major in business administration, finance, accounting or CPA, with at least five years experience in a school business environment.

Please send letter of interest, current resume, transcripts, and clearances to: Barbara Dawson, Board/Superintendent Secretary bdawson@sssd.k12.pa.us South Side Area School District 4949 State Route 151, Hookstown, PA 15050

Deadline to Apply: January 3, 2025.EOE recblid y4x7b4h58co7f9mksr65q8ethr4ayi