Elkins School District

Bus Driver

Elkins School District, Elkins, AR, United States

Position: Bus Driver

Primary function: Safe transportation of students to and from school.

Major responsibilities:
  1. Know and obey state and federal laws pertaining to school bus transportation.
  2. Maintain proper care of the school bus, including bus cleanliness.
  3. Maintain a level of student discipline on the bus that will allow the bus to be driven in a safe
manner at all times.
  1. Report all misbehavior to the correct building level principal.
  2. Follow safe loading, stopping, and unloading procedures at all times.
  3. Conduct a pre-trip inspection on buses daily and file report once a week.
  4. Report all vehicle malfunctions to a mechanic.
  5. Conduct 2 evacuation drills per year.
  6. Wear seat belt when bus is in motion.
  7. Attend the before school workshops
  8. Attend all in-service on training provided by school or as required by
maintenance/transportation director.
  1. Cooperate with all drivers, mechanics, and administrators.
  2. Report to and perform other duties as assigned by the principal or superintendent.