Bus Drivers
Alabama Department of Education, Selma, AL, United States
Provide safe and efficient transportation for students of the Selma City Schools.
1) Observe all mandatory safety regulations and obeys all traffic laws for school buses.
2) Maintain discipline and reports undisciplined students to the proper authority.
3) Displays personal conduct which sets and example for students to emulate.
4) Keeps assigned bus clean.
5) Checks bus before and after each operation for mechanical defects.
6) Notifies the proper authority in case of mechanical failure, lateness, or accidents, and completes required reports.
7) Transports only authorized students and discharges students only at authorized stops.
8) Performs other duties as required
Minimum Requirements:
- Valid CDL License
- State bus driver's certificate
- Ability to drive safely and maintain order on school bus.
- Ability to follow instruction