Codman Academy Charter School

Language Assessment Team Facilitator INTERN

Codman Academy Charter School, Church Creek, Maryland, United States


Job Title: Language Assessment Team Facilitator's (LAT-F)

Supervisor:Principal and the Director of Special Education/ML

Start Date: January - June Stipend: $2060


The Language Assessment Team Facilitator (LAT-F) is a school-based individual who supports the school leader(s) in the implementation of the English Learner Education program.

Responsible for ensuring the identification, and supporting the adequacy of instruction, and the monitoring of Multilingual Learners (including English Learners ELD 1-4 and and Former English Learners (FEL) in the federal 4-year monitoring period) (Successor Agreement, Position Requirements:

ESL License, SEI Endorsement, and/or Bilingual Education Endorsement; Teaching experience as an ESL teacher or an SEI/TBE/Dual Language/SLIFE teacher; Demonstrates strong leadership and organizational skills Responsibilities:

Student Record Management: Maintain and assist other school-based staff in maintaining accurate records of ELand FEL documentation throughout the year Support inputting ESL services (scheduling, instruction type, and minutes) into SIS for all Multilingual Learners Review and manage student EL status eligibility to ensure that students are appropriately identified, leveled, and assigned to appropriate programs in order to receive appropriate services Send home parent / guardian notices, including Initial Parental Notification Letters for all students identified as MLs at the school site, ACCESS Parent Report and Letter, etc; and Collate MCAS and ACCESS accommodations for MLs and/or FELs and coordinate with the MCAS test administrator and ACCESS test coordinator to document them in the ELD folder, WIDA AMS and/or Pearson (PAN). Facilitating the service delivery determination process for every EL at their school; working with teachers to collect progress data and determine the educationally appropriate service delivery determination (SDD) for all ELs at their school in the spring of 2025.

Throughout the year, collect progress data on EL students that can be used, in addition to the ACCESS scores and educator feedback, to determine the EL student's service delivery determination (SDD) in the spring.

Implement and Disseminate Guidance on EL Services and Rights

Act as a liaison to support the effective implementation of the school's Multilingual Learner programming, Help facilitate meetings with teachers, administrators and parents regarding the implementation of Multilingual Learner services; Provide guidance and support to school leadership in regards to scheduling of Multilingual Learner services Student Language Development Assessment

Help administrators and ACCESS test coordinator(s) organize the participation of all EL students in ACCESS testing; Facilitate the administration of EL initial identification assessments for K0 and K1 students (e.g., WIDA Kindergarten Screener) and input assessment results into Aspen SIS; and Collaborate with other teachers in examining assessment data to inform EL student instruction. Monitoring Procedures

Assist school leader in establishing monitoring procedures for progress monitoring of Former EL and Opt-Out students by:

Disseminating Monitoring Guidance and Forms to all teachers assigned these categories of students at the beginning of each year; Assist as needed in the scheduling and attendance of required Monitoring Meetings for qualifying students; Store Monitoring Meeting data in Aspen for qualifying students and store all FEL and opt-out students' monitoring forms in their ELD folders; and Assist administrators in following up on the actions taken for students who are not making progress in English, including following the process for the reinstatement of ELE services for FELs. LOOK Act Benchmarks Monitoring

Assist school leader in establishing procedures for progress monitoring of MLs not meeting English Proficiency Benchmarks by:

Disseminating the Benchmark Individualized Learning Plan (ILP) to all teachers assigned these categories of students at the beginning of each year; Creating and storing Individualized Learning Plans (ILPs) Following up on student progress towards completion of ILP goal Schools send Parent Communication: Goal Setting is due: Mid-Year Update: End of Year Update:

Assist in reporting the results of students who are not meeting benchmark targets school leaders and Director. Assist administrators in following up on the actions taken for students who are not meeting benchmark targets in English; and Ensure ILPs are appropriately stored Professional Development

Conduct PD at respective schools for their fellow teachers on topics related to MLs in collaboration with consultants and ILT; and Advise school leaders on PD options for teachers of multilingual learners;

Additional duties assigned by the supervisor.