Sul Ross State University

Sul Ross State University is hiring: ACS PRF (American Chemical Society Petroleu

Sul Ross State University, Alpine, TX, United States, 79832

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ACS PRF (American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund) Undergraduate Chemist

Job Title: ACS PRF (American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund) Undergraduate Chemist

Location: Alpine

Department: Computer, Mathematical and Physical Sciences

Job No: Position# G98288

Posting Date: 12/16/2024

End Date: 04/30/2025

Appointment Date: 02/01/2025

Salary: $3000 scholarship in three payments (3/1/2025: $1000, 4/1/2025: $1000 & 5/1/2025: $1000)

Required: Students must be accepted into the ACSPRF Undergraduate Research Scholarship and complete CHEM 1311 or CHEM 1312 General Chemistry course requirements to perform chemistry research projects.

Preferred: Undergraduate students majoring in the natural and physical sciences who are maintaining a minimum 2.5 GPA and pursuing a career in chemistry research.

Primary Responsibilities:

  1. Undergraduate researchers are needed to perform a chemistry research project supported by ACS PRF.
  2. Synthesize and characterize new transition metal oxides or fluorides as new optic materials through several apparatus and spectroscopic instruments (Hydrothermal Autoclaves Method, Conventional Solid-State Method, Powder XRD, IR, UV-visible DRS, TGA & DSC, and EDX).
  3. The structures of newly synthesized oxides or fluorides will be determined by single-crystal diffractometry and their structures will be refined and visualized.
  4. Keep the safety rules of the chemistry laboratory.

For more information, email hong.young.chang@sulross.edu.

An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer

It is the policy of Sul Ross State University to provide equal employment opportunity for all persons in accordance with their individual, job-related qualifications and without consideration of race, creed, color, sex, religion, age, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, veteran status, and ancestry. Equal employment opportunities shall be afforded in all personnel actions or decisions including, but not necessarily limited to, recruitment, hiring, training, upgrading, promotion, demotion, termination, and salary. Retaliation is prohibited against a person who opposes a discriminatory practice, files a charge, testifies, assists, or participates in an investigative proceeding or hearing.

Notice of Availability of the Annual Security & Fire Safety Report

The Annual Security & Fire Safety Report is available online at https://srinfo.sulross.edu/udps/. The report contains information regarding campus safety and security including topics such as: campus law enforcement authority; crime reporting policies; campus alerts (Timely Warnings and Emergency Notifications); fire safety policies and procedures; programs to prevent dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking; the procedures the University will follow when one of these crimes is reported; and other matters of importance related to security on campus. The report also contains information about crime statistics for the three most recent calendar years concerning reported crimes that occurred on campus; in On-Campus Student Housing Facilities; in Non-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by the University or a recognized student organization; and on public property within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from, the campus. The report also contains fire statistics for any fires occurring in an On-Campus Student Housing Facility during the three most recent calendar years.

A paper copy of the report will be provided upon request. If you would like to receive a paper copy, you can contact the Office of Student Life, located on the Alpine Campus in the Morgan University Center, Room 211 or you can request that a copy be mailed to you by calling 432-837-8424 or emailing stulife@sulross.edu.

About SRSU

Sul Ross State University Alpine Campus is in the Scenic Davis Mountains of West Texas, is a member of the Texas State University System, is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools to award Associate, Bachelor’s, and Master’s degrees, and has an enrollment of approximately 2,000 students on campus in Alpine, Texas. At an elevation of 4,480 feet, and on the periphery of the Chihuahuan Desert, Alpine enjoys mild winters and cool summers. Davis Mountains State Park, Fort Davis National Historic Site, Big Bend National Park, and Guadalupe Mountains National Park are all within one to three hours driving distance from Alpine.

The SRSU campuses in Del Rio, Eagle Pass, and Uvalde comprise Rio Grande College. RGC offers upper-level courses leading to bachelor’s degrees as well as master’s degree programs and works closely with its partner institution, Southwest Texas Junior College, to provide a seamless transition to RGC for their students. All RGC students hold an Associate degree from an accredited institution or they have completed 42 semester credit hours of transferable work.

More information is available regarding Sul Ross State University and position openings at http://www.sulross.edu.

Is Background Check Required? Yes

Required Documents:

  • Resume
  • Transcripts

Supplemental Questions

Required fields are indicated with an asterisk (*).
