PA CareerLink

Welding Technology

PA CareerLink, PA, United States

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Employment Skill Gain
Postsecondary Diploma

$25,113.00 - $25,113.00


Description of Training Provider

EIT is licensed by the Pennsylvania State Board of Private Licensed Schools which is an administrative board within the Pennsylvania Department of Education.

Program Description

Upon completion of the Welding Technology program, students will understand the common welding processes and applications at the foundation, intermediate, and advanced levels. Students will be qualified for entry-level employment in the welding field in positions which include Welder, Welding Specialist, Welding Technologist, or Welding Engineer.

Course topics include:

  1. Strategies for Success
  2. Mathematics for Welding I
  3. Introduction to the Welding Processes
  4. Cutting Processes
  5. Blueprint Reading
  6. Safety and Shop Procedures
  7. Mathematics for Welding II
  8. Welding Metallurgy
  9. AWS D1.1 Structural Steel Welding
  10. Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW)
  11. Weld Inspection Fundamentals
  12. Mathematics for Welding III
  13. Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW)
  14. Structural Steel & Pipe Drawings and Layouts
  15. Pipe Codes & Welding Techniques
  16. Piping I (GMAWP)
  17. Piping II (SMAWP)
  18. Piping III (GTAWP)
  19. Fabrication Project
  20. AWS D1.1 Flux Core Arc Welding (FCAW)
  21. Professional Development

Additional Information

  • Program Prerequisites: High School Diploma or Its Equivalent (high school transcript required)
  • Availability: Full Time, Part Time, Daytime

Service Costs

Resident Full Time: $22,638.00

Resident Part Time: $22,638.00

Books (est. cost): $1,350.00

Other (est. cost): $1,125.00

Performance Measures

Of those individuals who completed this course/program:

  • 100% earned a post-secondary credential.
  • 75% were employed within six months after completing training.