Thrive Health Systems

Associate Chiropractic Doctor in Beautiful Colorado

Thrive Health Systems, Colorado Springs, CO, United States

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Thrive Health Systems is looking for Associate Doctors

We prefer our associate doctors to have 1+ years out of school and have worked at least one other company. The Associate Doctor role is our entry level position, similar to an associate in a law firm. And similar to a law firm, you have the opportunity to ascend our 4 levels of doctor to own your own clinic, without down payments and some of the other hassles of starting a practice.

As an Associate Doctor, you will work with a Senior Doctor as a team, and you will start treating patients and develop into communicating and managing patients results, if you demonstrate the capability to do so. Some of our Associates remain Associates and some promote to our second level of doctor, depending on their desires and demonstrated and measured capability.

To be a successful Associate, the following is necessary:

  • An enjoyment for working hard (our doctors work at least 40 hrs/wk)
  • A willingness and ability to learn
  • Foundational doctor skills to treat patients and do no harm
  • Diagnosis skills and the ability to communicate with other practitioners
  • Treatment skills, ideally beyond the Chiropractic adjustment
  • A full health care philosophy that can meet the market and speak to the 80% of chronic illnesses, not simply back pain, that Americans suffer from
  • Google Suite computer skills
  • EHR skills
  • Notes and Charges skills
  • Spreadsheet skills
  • High social skills
  • Leadership skills
  • Communication skills

Why work with us?

Our company has proven its ability to develop doctors into leaders of multi-million dollar practices when we find capable people. We believe we are the highest paying company in the US. We successfully serve 1000s of patients a week and we have the case studies to prove it. We manage what we measure, and we measure a lot.

We have a unique practice model that offers doctors the ability to practice their art, within a flexible business model that still has the structure necessary to gain results. We would definitely fall into the “mixer” category rather than “straight” chiropractic; however, we perform 1000s of adjustments a week.

We have 4 levels of doctoring at our company, and if you have the capability and character to work hard in one direction for some time while successfully growing yourself and your practice, then you can start as an Associate Doctor and end up owning a practice and making over $500,000+. We’ve proven this.

Tools you will work with:

  • Omni drop Tables
  • Arthrostim
  • Lumbar and Cervical Spinal Decompression
  • Functional Medicine
  • Class IV Laser Therapy
  • Blood, stool, and hair labs
  • Digital X-ray
  • ChiroTouch Practice Software
  • Chiropractic Biophysics (CBP) Analysis Software
  • Flexion Distraction Tables
  • Traction
  • Functional Movement Systems
  • Massage Therapy
  • Atlas Orthogonal
  • Graston Tools

Your part in this role:

  • Have the knowledge to lead patients from pain and sickness to health.
  • Manage cases and obtain measurable, accountable health care results.
  • Effectively communicate with patients, staff, executives, and other doctors.
  • Care about your patients and be a leader.
  • Help patients understand their condition and motivate action.
  • Exhibit integrity and strive for excellence in all you do.

This is what it takes to be an Associate Doctor. It’s kind of a high bar; and a lot of your peers graduating alongside you will not have the character, capability, or grit to do it. We ask for a lot, because it is a heck of an opportunity, and your patients deserve you being a leader.

If you think you can hurdle this bar, give us a call at 719.238.5246.
