Fort Bend ISD

General Counsel

Fort Bend ISD, Houston, TX, United States

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The General Counsel will serve as chief legal advisor to the Superintendent and District administration providing legal counsel, advice, assistance and training in regard to all legal matters.

Essential Duties and Responsibilities

  • Provide advice and counsel to the Superintendent; Maintain communication with the Superintendent and the Superintendent's executive assistants, ensuring that the Superintendent is timely informed of developments regarding litigation, investigations by governmental agencies, level three grievances and other pending matters.
  • Provide advice and counsel to the District’s executive team and administrators on District policies and procedures, state and federal law and agency decisions.
  • Collaborate with Board Policy Committee to draft, review and revise District policies, procedures, and keep the Committee aware of TASB policy updates, official District documents including but not limited to personnel, applications, contracts, new and/or revised handbooks, legal notices and postings, and other District wide communication; advise relevant administrators of legal requirements.
  • Collaborate and support district administrators in the development of proposed new and/or revised administrative Procedures to ensure compliance with Board policies; review and recommend approval of proposed procedures for approval by the Superintendent.
  • Coordinate with the Superintendent and Secretary to the Board of Trustees and executive assistants posting of legal notices to ensure compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act.
  • Coordinate with the Superintendent and Secretary to the Board of Trustees preparation of the Board of Trustees meeting agenda and supporting documentation on resolutions, purchases above the Superintendent's delegated authority in policy, requiring Board action and approval, and other executive session matters involving legal issues such as level three grievances, updates on litigation developments and other employment matters.
  • Attend regular and special called meetings of the Board of Trustees and other meetings as directed by the Superintendent.
  • Provide advice and counsel to the Department of Business and Finance and Department of Purchasing and Materials Management, administrators regarding the application and interpretation of state and federal law governing procurement, including the federal administrative regulations (EDGAR), conflicts of interest, real estate purchases and conveyances.
  • Provide advice and counsel to the Department of Human Resources and to District administrators regarding the application and interpretation of federal and state law governing hiring practices, criminal background checks and other pre-employment issues, including Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Age Discrimination in Employment Act and other federal and state laws.
  • Provide advice and counsel to the Department of Human Resources and District administrators regarding application and interpretation of federal and state law governing civil rights, personnel issues, such as employee rights and duties, discipline, reassignment, termination, and personal and interpersonal relations as they relate to employment; Provide advice and counsel on allegations of discrimination, harassment, inequitable treatment and special employment needs, including alleged violations of the ADA and Family and Medical Leave Act.
  • In the General Counsel's discretion represent the District in lawsuits, investigate and respond to complaints, coordinate hearings, and respond to discovery and subpoenas as resources are available.
  • Coordinate legal services to the District by retained law firms selected by the Board of Trustees to advise and represent the District in litigation, real estate or contractual matters; Coordinate with retained counsel and develop appropriate case strategy, monitor retained counsel’s timely and accurate delivery of services and quality of representation, review billings in consultation with appropriate administrators and approve and recommend payment for legal services.
  • Receive, review, and approve all applications for a position on the ballot, receive and post candidate financial reports, monitor and coordinate with the Fort Bend County Elections Administrator, all District elections Trustees, and coordinate with bond counsel for elections to approve bonds are presented to voters.
  • Receive, review, and investigate incidents of alleged employee misconduct and human rights violations; determine whether alleged violations have occurred and recommend corrective action.
  • Collaborate with retained counsel to respond to complaints brought against the District with governmental and regulatory agencies, including the Office of Civil Rights, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the Texas Commission of Human Rights and the Texas Workforce Commission; Coordinate hearings involving independent hearing examiners, the Texas Education Agency, and other state agencies; Coordinate responses to discovery and subpoenas.
  • Organize and conduct informal and formal employee grievance hearings; represent the Administration at level three employee grievance and parent complaint hearings; ensure employee work related human rights concerns are addressed in a fair and equitable manner; counsel employees, human resources staff and District managers regarding grievance and appeal procedures.
  • Monitor legislation, which could impact public education, Texas Education Commissioner decisions and state and federal court opinions affecting public schools in Texas.
  • Develop and conduct training for District management and staff, as directed by the Superintendent, in collaboration with appropriate department leaders on grievance procedures, human rights and employment legislation including proper investigation, documentation and reporting procedures.
  • Draft, review, and revise legal documents as directed by the Superintendent.
  • Collaborate and support campus administrators in understanding and complying with law and district policies and procedures.

Supervisory Responsibilities

  • Supervise, select, train, and evaluate attorneys, professional and/or paraprofessional staff department staff of the or delegate as appropriate in the General Counsel’s discretion.

Qualification Requirements

  • Juris Doctorate degree from an accredited school of law.
  • Licensed to practice law in the State of Texas and a member in good standing with the Texas Bar Association.
  • Minimum of 5 years of experience in private practice representing public schools or governmental entities or employment by public school district as an attorney law dealing with legal problems of governmental entities or public-school agencies, required, with 10 years of experience preferred.
  • Experience in Texas public school law.
  • Knowledge of human rights and employment legislation and experience in the interpretation and application of said knowledge.
  • Knowledge of state and federal procurement laws required of public schools.
  • Ability to draft, review and revise District policies and procedures, personnel documents, employment applications, contracts, handbooks, legal notices, postings and other documents.
  • Knowledge of AIA contracts preferred.
  • Experience in Texas public school law preferred.

Starting annual salary - $172,586

Employment Details

  • Seniority level: Executive
  • Employment type: Full-time
  • Job function: Legal
  • Industries: Primary and Secondary Education