Cora Dance
Cora Dance, New York, New York, us, 10261
Go deeper, Get advice! Support for aspiring and professional choreographers to find your voice as artists! 1-ON-1 Choreographic Mentorship is a unique program that offers a personally tailored opportunity for aspiring and professional choreographers. The program is guided by Anabella Lenzu, an internationally recognized educator, scholar, and award-winning artist with 35 years of experience investigating the interior logic of performance and the role of a dancer and choreographer in our culture today. This mentorship consists of: 5 private IN-PERSON sessions (Mentee will cover the rent of the space) or 5 ONLINE sessions via Zoom, designed for a single artist. Each session lasts 60 minutes and includes: Focused time on development and experimentation with different techniques of Choreography, exploration and examination of the individual creative process, artistic brainstorming, feedback on the previous choreography, advice on topics such as writing about your work, as well collaborating with other artists and designers. By exploring different choreographic methodologies (for live performances as well as for an online audience), the artist will work on a new creation expanding their creative toolbox. Supplemental material: In addition to guided choreographic studies, participants will also be provided with personalized links to a wide range of publications and books, as well as video performances and lectures about Dance and Choreography to research. TO APPLY:
PLEASE SEND YOUR RESUME and A COVER LETTER EXPLAINING WHY YOU ARE INTERESTED IN PARTICIPATING TO: ***Please provide suitable dates/times for the 1-on-1 Mentorship sessions.
Go deeper, Get advice! Support for aspiring and professional choreographers to find your voice as artists! 1-ON-1 Choreographic Mentorship is a unique program that offers a personally tailored opportunity for aspiring and professional choreographers. The program is guided by Anabella Lenzu, an internationally recognized educator, scholar, and award-winning artist with 35 years of experience investigating the interior logic of performance and the role of a dancer and choreographer in our culture today. This mentorship consists of: 5 private IN-PERSON sessions (Mentee will cover the rent of the space) or 5 ONLINE sessions via Zoom, designed for a single artist. Each session lasts 60 minutes and includes: Focused time on development and experimentation with different techniques of Choreography, exploration and examination of the individual creative process, artistic brainstorming, feedback on the previous choreography, advice on topics such as writing about your work, as well collaborating with other artists and designers. By exploring different choreographic methodologies (for live performances as well as for an online audience), the artist will work on a new creation expanding their creative toolbox. Supplemental material: In addition to guided choreographic studies, participants will also be provided with personalized links to a wide range of publications and books, as well as video performances and lectures about Dance and Choreography to research. TO APPLY:
PLEASE SEND YOUR RESUME and A COVER LETTER EXPLAINING WHY YOU ARE INTERESTED IN PARTICIPATING TO: ***Please provide suitable dates/times for the 1-on-1 Mentorship sessions.