Hueneme Elementary School District
Speech & Language Pathologist (2025 - 2026 School Year)
Hueneme Elementary School District, Port Hueneme, California, United States, 93041
Requirements / Qualifications
Comments and Other Information
Questions should be directed to Melissa Rufai (805) 488-3588 x 9305
The Hueneme Elementary School District prohibits discrimination, harassment, intimidation, bullying and sexual harassment based on actual or perceived ancestry, age, color, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, immigration status, nationality, parental status, pregnancy status, race or ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or association with a person or a group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics in all educational programs, school related or school sponsored activities, school attendance or employment policies which may have an impact or create a hostile environment at school as required by Title IX of the 1972 Education amendments, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the California Fair Employment and Housing Act, and other applicable laws and regulations. For questions or concerns regarding discrimination, harassment, intimidation, bullying or sexual harassment, please contact the District's Discrimination, Equity, and Title IX Compliance Officer: Irma Melgoza-Vasquez, Senior Director, Student Support Services Hueneme Elementary School District 205 N. Ventura Road Port Hueneme, CA 93041 (805) 488-3588, Ext. 9220
Comments and Other Information
Questions should be directed to Melissa Rufai (805) 488-3588 x 9305
The Hueneme Elementary School District prohibits discrimination, harassment, intimidation, bullying and sexual harassment based on actual or perceived ancestry, age, color, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, immigration status, nationality, parental status, pregnancy status, race or ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or association with a person or a group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics in all educational programs, school related or school sponsored activities, school attendance or employment policies which may have an impact or create a hostile environment at school as required by Title IX of the 1972 Education amendments, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the California Fair Employment and Housing Act, and other applicable laws and regulations. For questions or concerns regarding discrimination, harassment, intimidation, bullying or sexual harassment, please contact the District's Discrimination, Equity, and Title IX Compliance Officer: Irma Melgoza-Vasquez, Senior Director, Student Support Services Hueneme Elementary School District 205 N. Ventura Road Port Hueneme, CA 93041 (805) 488-3588, Ext. 9220