Queensbury Union Free School District

Speech Language Pathologist

Queensbury Union Free School District, Queensbury, New York, United States, 12825

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Now Hiring an Speech Language Pathologist,

Queensbury Elementary School is recruiting quality applicants for a full-time vacancy as a Speech Language Pathologist, starting immediately. Minimum starting salary $50,792, actual salary based on education and experience.

Apply via Recruitfront at https://queensbury.recruitfront.com/. Please click here. We will get back to you once we review all applications. Queensbury Union Free School District sits in the shadows of the Adirondacks, but it ranks among the top school districts in the Capital Region for academics and fiscal efficiency. About 3,000 students in grades UPK-12 attend school on a single campus. The district mission is to empower all students to be lifelong learners, inspired to pursue their dreams and contribute to the global community. School board members, administrators, teachers, support staff, students and parents all work together to fulfill this mission in tangible, measurable ways. Queensbury Union Free School District 429 Aviation Road Queensbury, NY 12804 Phone: (518) 824-5699 recblid d2l580ezzoua4kjv6mn0ftj86d901a