Streator Elementary School District


Streator Elementary School District, Streator, Illinois, United States, 61364

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Applicant Information

Only completed applications received by the specified closing date will be referred to the administration for consideration.

Successful applicants will be employed on a conditional basis pending successful completion of the background investigation and fingerprint form.

Applications are retained and considered active for one year following the first submission. Conditions of Employment

Are you a US citizen or are you able to provide documentation which permits you to work in the United States? I authorize the Streator Elementary School District #44 to make any investigation of any personal, educational, vocational, or employment history. I further authorize any former employer, person, firm, corporation, educational, or vocational institution or government agencies to provide the District with information they have regarding me. I hereby release and discharge the Streator Elementary School District #44 and those who provide information from any and all liability as a result of furnishing and receiving this information. General Questions

Are you currently under contract? If Yes, which district and when does it expire? Have you ever been convicted of a felony other than a minor traffic violation? Have you ever had any indicated finding of child abuse filed in your name? If yes, please explain. Have you ever been dismissed or asked to resign from any position? If yes, please explain. Have you obtained tenure status in any other school district? If yes, where and when? Have you ever been denied tenure? If yes, please explain. Have you ever had a teaching certificate or teaching license revoked or suspended? If yes, please explain. Please list 3 professional references. (Name, Relationship, Phone Number, & Address).

Certification/Authorization to Release

By submitting this application this authorizes Streator Elementary School District #44 to conduct a background investigation and authorize the release of information in connection with my application for employment. This investigation may include such information as criminal or civil convictions, driving records, previous employers and educational institutions, personal references, professional references, and other appropriate sources. I waive my right of access to such information, and without limitation, hereby release Streator Elementary School District #44 and the reference sources from any liability in connection with its release or use. This release includes the sources cited above and specific examples as follows: The Illinois State Police, information from the Federal Bureau of Investigation of either data on all criminal convictions or certification that no data on criminal convictions is maintained, and information from Illinois or other State Departments of Social and Health Services and any locality to which they may refer for the release of information pertaining to any findings of child abuse or neglect investigations involving me.

Furthermore, I certify under the penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Illinois that I have made true, correct and complete answers and statements on this application in the knowledge that they may be relied upon in considering my application. I understand that any omission, falsely answered statement made by me on this application, or any supplement to it will be sufficient grounds for failure to employ me or for my discharge should I become employed with Streator Elementary School District #44. I understand that I will be subject to Illinois State Police and FBI fingerprint background checks, as a condition of employment, and/or continued employment. Attachments Letter of Application* Resume* Letter of recommendation 1 Letter of recommendation 2 Transcript 1 Transcript 2 Transcript 3