Palm Health Resources
Locum General Anesthesiologist Contract in SE Missouri
Scroll down to find the complete details of the job offer, including experience required and associated duties and tasks.
- All Level 1 cases besides high risk peds & transplants - Medical Direction of CRNAs - Start in 60-90 days - M-F 10s, no call, weekends, or overnights - Must have ACLS & Covid Vaccination - Inquire for rate quote; among the highest you'll find for this scope of practice - Paid expenses, no cap on flights!
Palm Health Resources offers industry-leading 1099 compensation, service, and support. We cover housing, travel, car rental/mileage, and malpractice so all you have to do is work and play! Unfamiliar with the benefits of Locum Tenens/1099 contractor status? Apply for consultation today.