Nemours Children's Hospital, Delaware is seeking a Pediatric Gastroenterologist with expertise in Motility and Functional GI disorders to lead our program on Motility & Functional Gastrointestinal disorders.
Our division is comprised of 11 pediatric gastroenterologists, 3 nurse practitioners, 6 office nurses, 6 fellows, 4 administrative assistants and a specialty authorization specialist. We also collaborate with a team of dietitians, social workers, psychologists, and support staff with the shared mission of improving children's health. The motility and functional gastrointestinal disorders program has a dedicated procedure nurse and support staff. New state-of-the-art motility equipment allows for the performance of esophageal, antroduodenal, colonic and anorectal manometries. We also have video capsule endoscopy and pH-impedance probe capabilities and are finalizing our introduction of Endoflip and transnasal endoscopy. The GI Division includes programs for inflammatory bowel disease, eosinophilic GI diseases, celiac disease, aerodigestive disorders and a partnership with Interventional Radiology to manage children with severe protein losing enteropathy. We deliver world class patient and family-centered care in Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Maryland, expanding our collaborations to Florida through partnerships with other Nemours sites. Division members are actively engaged in clinical and quality improvement research and are heavily involved in education of residents, fellows, and providers across the region.
We are seeking a candidate with a track record of leadership and provision of excellent clinical care. A successful track record of research is preferred, and a generous research package is available consistent with the record of success. The ideal candidate is a dynamic pediatric gastroenterologist with a passion for clinical excellence, teaching, and research to help establish a strong motility program. The candidate must be experienced in pediatric gastroenterology and motility procedures. Academic appointment will be at the Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor level in the Clinical Educator or Clinical Scholar track at the Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia, PA based on qualifications.
Nemours Children's Health System has the largest pediatric radiology group in the country with advanced MRI, ultrasound imaging, and interventional radiology. We have recently launched a new Nemours Center for Children's Digestive Disorders and Gastrointestinal Surgery in collaboration with general surgery, Urology, and ENT that offers multidisciplinary care and advanced robotic surgery. In addition to GI and GI surgical expertise, we have dedicated board-certified pediatric pathologists.