Covenant Seminary

Director of Worship

Covenant Seminary, Kansas City, Missouri, United States, 64101

Gashland Evangelical Presbyterian Church has two different Sunday worship services.Our first service is traditional and our second service is blended (modern hymns and worship songs).We are seeking a full-time Director of Worship who is equipped, passionate, and eager to lead thesetwo unique services in their varying styles. For this reason we are looking for someone who playspiano and sings and is able to lead both traditional hymns, modern hymns, and modern worshipsongs.Requirements

Loves Jesus deeply and has committed their life to following Him as Lord and Savior•

Brings passion and excitement in their music•

Leads and inspires congregation in worship•

College degree preferred•

Background in Music•

Reformed in theology•

Proficient in piano and singing•

Strong leadership skills. Able to lead worship team and congregation•

Able to recruit, build, and invest in worship volunteer teams•

Humble, teachable, and able to work well on teams•

Possesses desire for theologically rich music•

Proficient and able to lead both traditional and blended music styles•

Detail oriented•

Proficient in Apple, iPad devices, & keynoteHow to Apply

Please go to www.gashland.org/worshipsearch for details on how to apply.Disclaimer Please know that even though this job board is intended for Covenant Seminary students and alumni, the listings posted are viewable by the public. It is the prospective employer's responsibility to determine the eligibility of an applicant for a posted position.Regarding Security and Privacy Covenant Theological Seminary provides this community job board for the posting and viewing of job opportunities of potential interest to the student body. In using this job board, students and employers absolve the Seminary from any responsibility of security, safety, and unmet expectations and understand that the Seminary does not endorse the employer nor the student applicant. Each party is responsible for their own due diligence. In the case of childcare and nanny opportunities, employers understand that the Seminary does NOT conduct background checks on all of its students and furthermore adheres to the privacy obligations to our student body under FERPA rules and regulations.

Regarding Security and Privacy Covenant Theological Seminary provides this community job board for the posting and viewing of job opportunities of potential interest to the student body. In using this job board, students and employers absolve the Seminary from any responsibility of security, safety, and unmet expectations and understand that the Seminary does not endorse the employer nor the student applicant. Each party is responsible for their own due diligence. In the case of childcare and nanny opportunities, employers understand that the Seminary does NOT conduct background checks on all of its students and furthermore adheres to the privacy obligations to our student body under FERPA rules and regulations.Regarding Field Education Credit We encourage students seeking out opportunities to complete Field Education degree requirements to evaluate a job description against the Field Education Handbook criteria for qualified hours. Not all job postings will be eligible for Field Education credit. Please speak with your Field Education representative if you have questions regarding a particular opportunity.

Regarding Field Education Credit We encourage students seeking out opportunities to complete Field Education degree requirements to evaluate a job description against the Field Education Handbook criteria for qualified hours. Not all job postings will be eligible for Field Education credit. Please speak with your Field Education representative if you have questions regarding a particular opportunity.
