Douglas County, NV

Indigent Defense Attorney

Douglas County, NV, Minden, NV

Location : County Manager - Minden, NV

Job Type: Full Time

Job Number: 24/25-1

Department: County Manager

Opening Date: 07/09/2024

Closing Date: 9/27/2024 4:00 PM Pacific


The objective of Douglas County is to provide for equality before the law for all persons. The Plan is to be administered so that those accused of crime, or otherwise eligible for services of appointed counsel, will not be deprived, because they are financially unable to pay for adequate representation, of any element of representation necessary to an adequate defense. with private counsel to provide high quality indigent defender services.

The Douglas County Indigent Defense Services Coordinator, Justin Clouser, oversees the assignment of cases to the contract public defenders and works in coordination with the Department of Indigent Defense Services. Justin Clouser can be contacted via email at and

Use the link below to view the The Douglas County Plan for the Provision of Indigent Defense Services:

Attorneys wishing to be placed on the Douglas County rotation for appointment in indigent defense cases must:

(1) Complete application for on the Nevada Department of Indigent Defense Services (DIDS) website.
(2) Complete application for Douglas County using the link in this posting.


Board of Indigent Defense Services Required Experience to Provide Indigent Defense Services
PLEASE NOTE: Qualification may be sought by providing specific experience requirements or by providing equivalent experience and skills as described below.

  • Licensed to practice law in the State of Nevada; and
  • Have sufficient training and experience to provide competent representation.

Gross Misdemeanor, Category E, D, C, and B (for which the penalty is ten (10) years or less) felonies
  • Licensed to practice law in the State of Nevada; and
  • Have been trial counsel, alone or with other trial counsel, in two or more bench or jury trials that were tried to completion.

Category B felonies for which the penalty is more than 10 years and non-capital Category A felonies
  • Licensed to practice law in the State of Nevada;
  • Have practiced criminal law for three (3) full years, either as a prosecutor, provider of indigent defense services, or retained counsel; and
  • Have been trial counsel, alone or with other trial counsel, and handled a significant portion of three felony jury trials that were tried to completion.

Capital Cases (SCR 250)
  • Acted as lead defense counsel in five felony trials, including one murder trial, tried to completion (i.e., to a verdict or a hung jury);
  • Acted as defense co-counsel in one death penalty trial tried to completion; and
  • Been licensed to practice law at least three (3) years

Direct appeals, non-capital
  • Licensed to practice law in the State of Nevada; and
  • Have sufficient training and experience to provide competent representation.

Direct appeals, capital (SCR 250)
  • Counsel appointed to represent an appellant on direct (...) appeal must have acted as counsel in at least two appeals of felony convictions and must otherwise satisfy the court that counsel is capable and competent to represent appellant.

  • Be licensed to practice law in the State of Nevada;
  • Have the knowledge and skills necessary to represent a child diligently and effectively; and
  • Be familiar with:
    • The department of juvenile justice services in the county and other relevant state and local programs;
    • Issues concerning competency and child development;
    • Issues concerning the interaction between an attorney and a client; and
    • Issues concerning school-related conduct and zero-tolerance policies specific to juvenile representation.
  • An attorney who seeks to represent a child in certification proceedings in accordance with NRS 62B.390 must additionally have litigated at least two criminal jury trials or be assisted by counsel with requisite experience.

Qualification Based Upon Equivalent Experience and Skills
Attorneys may seek to establish qualification through equivalent experience and skills. Equivalent experience and skills may include, but are not limited to, misdemeanor jury trials, bench trials, preliminary hearings, clerkships, internships, or trial college participation.


**Applications are reviewed on a regular basis and hiring may occur early in the recruiting process. Individuals are encouraged to apply immediately. **


Nevada Bar Number


Nevada Bar Admission Date


Did you complete the "Application for Placement on List of Approved Contract and Appointed Indigent Defense Counsel" on the Nevada Department of Indigent Defense Services (DIDS) website?
  • Yes
  • No

Required Question