Dentaltown, L.L.C., a division of Farran Media, L.L.C

Orthodontist Dental Office Space For Lease, Salt Lake City, UT

Dentaltown, L.L.C., a division of Farran Media, L.L.C, Salt Lake City, Utah, United States, 84193

Orthodontist Dental Office Space For Lease, Salt Lake City, UT

Orthodontic dental office for lease or sale. Location was a previous active satellite office for a retired orthodontist. Orthodontist decided to stop working out of this location and retired. Orthodontist shared the space with oral surgeon, both owned the office suite. Currently an Oral Surgeon uses 1/4 of the space 1 day per week, Thursdays. The oral surgeon and orthodontist had completely separate spaces and can work in the office on the same day. Oral Surgeon only uses the office on Thursdays.

Orthodontic Office includes large private office, large consult room and 5 chair ortho bay.Dental office suite is also for sale if you prefer buying real estate to renting space.The only shared space is the front desk and sterilization area. This could be a great start-up office with little cost. Or a second location or satellite office for very little cost. Owner would like to lease the space to an orthodontist or other specialist. Step right in and start seeing patients tomorrow. Oral surgeon only uses the space on Thursday, another Oral Surgeon could use the space on any of the other days.

Satellite or 2nd location.Low cost start-upAny specialist could easily use the space with very little cost.Lease would include all utilities and everything else, 1 payment to use the space and equipment.

Oral surgeon has separate space that includes 2 surgical rooms and 1 recovery room with a small private office. This is not part of the ortho bay and consult room. Only shared space is waiting room, front desk area and sterilization room.Here is the link for more information: https://ddsmatch.com/practices/298566/Matt Hamblinmhamblin@ddsmatch.com801-362-1557

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