International Society for Horticultural Science

Assistant Professor of Horticulture

International Society for Horticultural Science, Davis, California, us, 95617


Department of Plant Sciences

in the

College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

at the

University of California , Davis, USA, is recruiting an

Assistant Professor of Horticulture

with a preferred emphasis in horticulture in

nursery, greenhouse, or controlled environment crop production systems .The applicant's novel horticultural research may include nursery, greenhouse or indoor crop production (CEA), floriculture, water, nutrient and light management, soilless and hydroponic production, and application of cellular, genomic, physiological and ecophysiological approaches to understand, manage and improve crop production in these systems.These crops include vegetable transplants, young orchard fruit, nut and citrus trees, berries, floricultural and landscape plants, and as such, this hire is open to a wide pool of horticultural scholars who will be able to develop a program within their own expertise of high relevance to California industry.The review date is Friday, Nov 17, 2023.
