MPOWIR Mentoring Physical Oceanography Women to Increase Retention

Post-Doctoral Fellowship – Friday Harbor Laboratories, University of Washingto

MPOWIR Mentoring Physical Oceanography Women to Increase Retention, Washington, District of Columbia, us, 20022

Post-Doctoral Fellowship – Friday Harbor Laboratories, University of Washington

The next Post-Doctoral Fellowship at Friday Harbor Laboratories (FHL) will begin in January 2019, available in September 2018.Application Deadline is

May 15, 2018

to start January 2019.FHL supports a post-doctoral scientist for a two-year appointment to:establish an active research program in Ocean Acidification or Ocean Observatories, or both.assist the FHL Director in facilitating the efforts of visiting scientists and students, andteach at least one course during each year of the postdoc appointment.Applications are welcomed from scientists with qualifications in any area of marine research that is readily supportable by FHL, but preference will be given to applicants studying ocean acidification, or ocean observatories (e.g., see the researchers at FHL list).Applications should include:two letters of reference sent directly to Margo Thorp from the letter writersa brief letter (5 pages maximum) outlining interests and your specific research planOn-campus family housing is available at FHL’s customary housing rates, which are lower than market rates on San Juan Island.Please mark all application documents clearly as part of an application for a Post-Doctoral Fellowship. Applications should be received before May 15, 2018. The Fellowship appointment will be announced by June 15, 2018 and will be effective January 1, 2019. Position could be available in September 2018.The University of Washington reaffirms its policy of equal opportunity in education regardless of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, disability, or status as a disabled veteran or Vietnam era veteran in accordance with University policy and applicable federal and state statutes and regulations.
