
Senior Android Engineer

LumaAi, Palo Alto, California, United States, 94306

Luma’s mission is to build multimodal AI to expand human imagination and capabilities.

We believe that multimodality is critical for intelligence. To go beyond language models and build more aware, capable and useful systems, the next step function change will come from vision. So, we are working on training and scaling up multimodal foundation models for systems that can see and understand, show and explain, and eventually interact with our world to effect change.

We are looking for people with strong product sense and a great taste for design. This role involves inventing new kinds of UIs for generative mediums, and bringing them to millions of Luma users in a fast iterative environment.

Startup Mindset

Value velocity and execution.Communicate clearly.Focus on building what will matter to users and the product.Be resourceful at finding creative ways to overcome challenges.Experience

5+ years of experience in developing and shipping delightful native Android apps, using Kotlin and Jetpack Compose.Strong software development skills.Great design and UX taste.Familiarity with frameworks like Kotlin Coroutines, Hilt, Room and experience working with media on Android, using libraries like Jetpack Media3, is a strong plus.Benefits

Equity grant to reflect the incredible value you will bring to Luma, with annual refreshes.Excellent salary and benefits.Full health, dental, and vision coverage.Latest and greatest gear.Stipends towards wellness, house cleaner, and phone/internet.Unlimited paid time off with 12 days minimum.Unlimited sick days.Why Join Luma?

In any role here, you will work with people experts in their field, and learn a *lot*We build. We ship. Your work will matter to people.We are building a very widely usable product, and you’ll get to work on equally wide variety of challenging problems.We have fantastic traction from early customers, whom you’ll get to work directly with.We have backing of some of the best VCs in Silicon Valley, and Angels from across the industry.
