Dr. AP Ganesan

Postdoctoral Research Scientist

Dr. AP Ganesan, San Diego, California, United States, 92189

The Ganesan Lab at UC San Diego is seeking highly-motivated postdoctoral scientists to undertake tumor immunology research investigating novel therapeutic targets for cancer immunotherapy and translation to the clinic.

Dr. Ganesan is an oncologist, physician scientist, and Assistant Professor at UC San Diego. The research focus of the Lab is to investigate the molecular and cellular mechanisms of anti-tumor immunity and novel immunotherapeutic strategies using cutting-edge genomic and immunological tools and preclinical mouse models. The overall goal is application of scientific discoveries to the clinic and translate findings through well-designed clinical trials to advance cancer treatment.


Ph.D. or MD/PhD in immunology

Previous experience in murine work and in vivo/functional experiments using mouse models

Experience with tumor models, brain tumor models, leukemia models is desirable

Publications to review:

Upadhye A, Meza Landeros KE, Ramírez-Suástegui C, Schmiedel BJ, Woo E, Chee SJ, Malicki D, Coufal NG, Gonda D, Levy ML, Greenbaum JA, Seumois G, Crawford J, Roberts WD, Schoenberger SP, Cheroutre H, Ottensmeier CH, Vijayanand P, Ganesan AP. Intra-tumoral T cells in pediatric brain tumors display clonal expansion and effector properties. Nat Cancer. 2024 . Epub 2024/01/17. doi: 10.1038/s43018-023-00706-9. PubMed PMID: 38228835.

Clarke J, Panwar B, Madrigal A, Singh D, Gujar R, Wood O, Chee SJ, Eschweiler S, King EV, Awad AS, Hanley CJ, McCann KJ, Bhattacharyya S, Woo E, Alzetani A, Seumois G, Thomas GJ, Ganesan AP, Friedmann PS, Sanchez-Elsner T, Ay F, Ottensmeier CH, Vijayanand P. Single-cell transcriptomic analysis of tissue-resident memory T cells in human lung cancer

. J Exp Med. 2019 Sep 2

;216(9):2128-2149. doi: 10.1084/jem.20190249. Epub 2019 Jun 21.

Ganesan AP, Clarke J, Wood O, Garrido-Martin EM, Chee SJ, Mellows T, Samaniego-Castruita D, Singh D, Seumois G, Alzetani A, Woo E, Friedmann PS, King EV, Thomas GJ, Sanchez-Elsner T, Vijayanand P, Ottensmeier CH. Tissue-resident memory features are linked to the magnitude of cytotoxic T cell responses in human lung cancer.

Nature Immunology. 2017 Jun 19

. doi:10.1038/ni.3775

Eschweiler, S., Clarke, J., Ramirez-Suastegui, C., Panwar, B., Madrigal, A., Chee, S. J., Karydis, I., Woo, E., Alzetani, A., Elsheikh, S., Hanley, C. J., Thomas, G. J., Friedmann, P. S., Sanchez-Elsner, T., Ay, F., Ottensmeier, C. H. & Vijayanand, P. Intratumoral follicular regulatory T cells curtail anti-PD-1 treatment efficacy. Nat Immunol 22, 1052-1063, doi:10.1038/s41590-021-00958-6 (2021).

Eschweiler S, Ramírez-Suástegui C, Li Y, King E, Chudley L, Thomas J, Wood O, von Witzleben A, Jeffrey D, McCann K, Simon H, Mondal M, Wang A, Dicker M, Lopez-Guadamillas E, Chou TF, Dobbs NA, Essame L, Acton G, Kelly F, Halbert G, Sacco JJ, Schache AG, Shaw R, McCaul JA, Paterson C, Davies JH, Brennan PA, Singh RP, Loadman PM, Wilson W, Hackshaw A, Seumois G, Okkenhaug K, Thomas GJ, Jones TM, Ay F, Friberg G, Kronenberg M, Vanhaesebroeck B, Vijayanand P, Ottensmeier CH. Intermittent PI3Kδ inhibition sustains anti-tumour immunity and curbs irAEs. Nature . 2022 May;605(7911):741-746. PMID: 35508656; PMCID: PMC913277.

About UC San Diego:

UC San Diego (UCSD) is recognized as one of the top research universities worldwide, and UCSD faculty and alumni have won 20 Nobel Prizes, 8 National Medals of Science, and 2 Fields Medals. UCSD contributes to the excellent scientific environment on the San Diego “mesa” which also comprises the La Jolla Institute for Immunology, Scripps Research Institute, the Sanford Consortium, the Sanford-Burnham and the Salk Institute.

UCSD Health Sciences is the academic health system of UCSD and is the only academic health system serving San Diego County and the surrounding area. UCSD Health Sciences includes the School of Medicine, the only medical school in San Diego, with a faculty of more than 1,400 physicians and scientists in 16 academic departments.

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