
Class Aide/Disability Aide

SCMCAA, Poplar Bluff, Missouri, us, 63902

POSITION DESCRIPTIONJOB TITLE: Class Aide w Disability Responsibilities


WORK STATION: Bus/Classroom

REPORTS DIRECTLY TO: TeacherSite SupervisorEducation Manager

GENERAL DESCRIPTION:A Class Aide with disabilities responsibilities will provide one-on-one attention to a child that hasspecial needs or requires additional assistance. The Class Aide is responsible for providing additionaldaily assistance with assigned children in the Head Start classroom. The Class Aide will workalongside the teacher and teacher aide to provide an educational environment for all children enrolledin the Head Start classroom.

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES:1. Work as a team with other teaching staff and assist with daily activities in the Head Start centeras required.2. Responsible for assisting with special needs children as assigned. Assist the child inclassroom, bathroom, mealtimes, playground, and field trips.3. Assist with documentation of required paperwork for children with special needs.4. Never leave child unattended at any time.5. Provide communication between staff and parents concerning children. Relay messagesbetween parents and Center Staff. Be positive with parents and children as the program’s firstand last contact of the day6. Participate in appropriate Head Start training. Attend parent committee meetings, center staffmeetings, in-service training, and other training as required or requested by management staffand/or supervisor.7. Ensure that emergency supplies are maintained and properly stored in accordance withagency policy and procedures. Ensure that communication system is tested regularly and keptin working order. The communication system is utilized for Head Start business only.8. Work cooperatively with all Head Start staff.9. Understand responsibility of being a mandated reporter for Child Abuse and Neglect. Readand understand Child Abuse and Neglect Policy. Failure to follow reporting procedures,including incidents involving other staff members, may result in termination.10.Perform additional duties as assigned by supervisors.

KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES:1. High school diploma or equivalent.2. Knowledge of program curriculum, developmentally appropriate practice, and related programperformance standards.3. Relate to children and parents in a positive, constructive manner.4. Develop and implement classroom activities based on children’s individual needs.5. Work well with other center staff, parents, and managers.6. Knowledge of all applicable bus safety regulations and procedures. Knowledge of all HeadStart transportation guidelines and standards.7. Knowledge of basic child development, as well as child care and guidance knowledge.8. Maintain conduct that promotes a positive image to staff, parents, agency and community.9. Obtain initial medical exam and TB assessment within 30 days of employment. Complete amedical exam and TB assessment every five years following initial employment.10.Pass background screen, child abuse/neglect screen, drug screen, and be subject to randomdrug testing.

Additional requirements:Possess personal qualifications: emotional maturity, willingness to cooperate with the standards ofthe program, respect for children and adults, flexibility, patience, good personal hygiene, and physicaland mental health which does not interfere with responsibilities. Must have good verbalcommunication skills and visual ability to observe children. Ability to fulfill responsibilities underpressure, including during emergencies.

Working Conditions:Risk of exposure to blood, body fluids, or tissues. Risk involved with travel on main highways, sidestreets and rural roads during the transportation of children. Risk of exposure to communicablediseases. Must be able to lift 55 pounds, many times a day, climb into the school bus, bend, kneeland squat frequently. Job requires standing for long periods of time, as well as stooping, squatting,running; and sitting in child sized chairs and/or on the floor.

The above statements are intended to describe the general nature and level of work performed by aperson in this position. They are not to be construed as an exhaustive list of all duties that may beperformed in such a position, including changes in location, classroom, caseload, and hours. TheExecutive Director may, at any time, for disciplinary purposes, the utilization of personnel, or for thegeneral good of the program, reassign an employee from one position to another position.

I accept the duties and responsibilities as outlined in this position description. This position is notexempt from the overtime provision of the Fair Labor Standards Act._____ Number hours authorized in the workday.

_________________________________ ______________________Signature of Employee Date_________________________________ ______________________Signature of Supervisor/Mentor Date of Orientation

Rev 8-21