
Treasurer for the FDF circle in Ørestad

Frivilligjob, Economy, Pennsylvania, United States,

Treasurer for the FDF circle in Ørestad

Are you a knife for numbers and systems, or do you want to learn it, all the while being an invaluable partner in an association that gives children and young people a position in the world? Then you are our new treasurer!

FDF Ørestad creates activities for children and young people in Ørestad, and creates a space with space to be without performing.The economy includes, among other things dues, municipal support, fund funds etc. and managed in our integrated accounting and membership system.

The cashier's taskYour task will be to keep track of the circle's income and expenses, and together with the rest of the board to prepare the annual budget and annual accounts, as well as report these to the municipality of Copenhagen.You will also be responsible for paying disbursements to the circle's leaders in connection with activity expenses.There will be the opportunity for thorough training in the systems with our current treasurer and ongoing support from the circle's board, auditor and the national association's employees.

ScopeThe position of treasurer is assumed for one year at a time, and as treasurer you will also be invited to the circle's other activities, such as voluntary dinners, excursions and activities for the circle's adult volunteers.The tasks are mainly completed from home, but there is an opportunity to make use of the circle's premises, printer and internet.

We look forward to hearing from you and telling you more about the assignment and the circle.With best regards,FDF Ørestad and Circle leader Peter Salomonsen.
