Futran Tech Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Data Analytics Architect
Futran Tech Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Louisville, Kentucky, us, 40201
Role Purpose
The purpose of the role is to define and develop Enterprise DataStructure along with Data Warehouse, Master Data, Integration andtransaction processing with maintaining and strengthening the modellingstandards and business information
Define and Develop Data Architecture that aids organizationand clients in new/ existing deals
Partnering with business leadership (adopting therationalization of the data value chain) to provide strategic,information-based recommendations to maximize the value of data andinformation assets, and protect the organization from disruptions whilealso embracing innovation
Assess the benefits and risks of data by using tools such asbusiness capability models to create an data-centric view to quicklyvisualize what data matters most to the organization, based on thedefined business strategy
Create data strategy and road maps for the Reference DataArchitecture as required by the clients
Engage all the stakeholders to implement data governance modelsand ensure that the implementation is done based on every change request
Ensure that the data storage and database technologies aresupported by the data management and infrastructure of the enterprise
Develop, communicate, support and monitor compliance with DataModelling standards
Oversee and monitor all frameworks to manage data acrossorganization
Provide insights for database storage and platform for ease ofuse and least manual work
Collaborate with vendors to ensure integrity, objectives andsystem configuration
Collaborate with functional & technical teams and clients tounderstand the implications of data architecture and maximize the valueof information across the organization
Presenting data repository, objects, source systems along withdata scenarios for the front end and back end usage
Define high-level data migration plans to transition the datafrom source to target system/ application addressing the gaps betweenthe current and future state, typically in sync with the IT budgeting orother capital planning processes
Knowledge of all the Data service provider platforms and ensureend to end view.
Oversight all the data standards/ reference/ papers for propergovernance
Promote, guard and guide the organization towards commonsemantics and the proper use of metadata
Collecting, aggregating, matching, consolidating, quality-assuring, persisting and distributing such data throughout anorganization to ensure a common understanding, consistency, accuracy andcontrol
Provide solution of RFP's received from clients and ensureoverall implementation assurance
Develop a direction to manage the portfolio of all the databasesincluding systems, shared infrastructure services in order to bettermatch business outcome objectives
Analyse technology environment, enterprise specifics, clientrequirements to set a collaboration solution for the big/small data
Provide technical leadership to the implementation of customsolutions through thoughtful use of modern technology
Define and understand current issues and problems and identifyimprovements
Evaluate and recommend solutions to integrate with overalltechnology ecosystem keeping consistency throughout
Understand the root cause problem in integrating business andproduct units
Validate the solution/ prototype from technology, cost structure andcustomer differentiation point of view
Collaborating with sales and delivery leadership teams to identifyfuture needs and requirements
Tracks industry and application trends and relates these to planningcurrent and future IT needs
Building enterprise technology environment for dataarchitecture management
Develop, maintain and implement standard patterns for datalayers, data stores, data hub & lake and data management processes
Evaluate all the implemented systems to determine theirviability in terms of cost effectiveness
Collect all the structural and non-structural data fromdifferent places integrate all the data in one database form
Work through every stage of data processing: analysing,creating, physical data model designs, solutions and reports
Build the enterprise conceptual and logical data models foranalytics, operational and data mart structures in accordance withindustry best practices
Implement the best security practices across all the data basesbased on the accessibility and technology
Strong understanding of activities within primary disciplinesuch as Master Data Management (MDM), Metadata Management and DataGovernance (DG)
Demonstrate strong experience in Conceptual, Logical andphysical database architectures, design patterns, best practices andprogramming techniques around relational data modelling and dataintegration
Enable Delivery Teams by providing optimal deliverysolutions/ frameworks
Build and maintain relationships with delivery and practiceleadership teams and other key stakeholders to become a trusted advisor
Define database physical structure, functional capabilities,security, back-up and recovery specifications
Develops and establishes relevant technical, business processand overall support metrics (KPI/SLA) to drive results
Monitor system capabilities and performance by performing testsand configurations
Integrate new solutions and troubleshoot previously occurrederrors
Manages multiple projects and accurately reports the status ofall major assignments while adhering to all project management standards
Identify technical, process, structural risks and prepare a riskmitigation plan for all the projects
Ensure quality assurance of all the architecture or designdecisions and provides technical mitigation support to the deliveryteams
Recommend tools for reuse, automation for improved productivityand reduced cycle times
Help the support and integration team for better efficiency andclient experience for ease of use by using AI methods.
Develops trust and builds effective working relationshipsthrough respectful, collaborative engagement across individual productteams
Ensures architecture principles and standards are consistentlyapplied to all the projects
Ensure optimal Client Engagement
Support pre-sales team while presenting the entire solution designand its principles to the client
Negotiate, manage and coordinate with the client teams to ensure allrequirements are met
Demonstrate thought leadership with strong technical capability infront of the client to win the confidence and act as a trusted advisor
Competency Building and Branding
Ensure completion of necessary trainings and certifications
Develop Proof of Concepts (POCs), case studies, demos etc. fornew growth areas based on market and customer research
Develop and present a point of view of Wipro on solution designand architect by writing white papers, blogs etc.
Conducting workshops for all the stakeholders, creating content,e-learning courses and ways for knowledge transfer with a platform forall the data related sources
Attain market referencability and recognition through highestanalyst rankings, client testimonials and partner credits
Be the voice of Wipro's Thought Leadership by speaking inforums (internal and external)
Mentor developers, designers and Junior architects in theproject for their further career development and enhancement
Contribute to the architecture practice by conducting selectioninterviews etc
Team Management
Anticipating new talent requirements as per the market/ industrytrends or client requirements
Hire adequate and right resources for the team
Talent Management
Ensure adequate onboarding and training for the team members toenhance capability & effectiveness
Build an internal talent pool and ensure their career progressionwithin the organization
Manage team attrition
Drive diversity in leadership positions
Performance Management
Set goals for the team, conduct timely performance reviews andprovide constructive feedback to own direct reports
Ensure that the Performance Nxt is followed for the entire team
Employee Satisfaction and Engagement
Lead and drive engagement initiatives for the team
Track team satisfaction scores and identify initiatives to buildengagement within the team
Mandatory Skills
DataBricks - Data Engineering
The purpose of the role is to define and develop Enterprise DataStructure along with Data Warehouse, Master Data, Integration andtransaction processing with maintaining and strengthening the modellingstandards and business information
Define and Develop Data Architecture that aids organizationand clients in new/ existing deals
Partnering with business leadership (adopting therationalization of the data value chain) to provide strategic,information-based recommendations to maximize the value of data andinformation assets, and protect the organization from disruptions whilealso embracing innovation
Assess the benefits and risks of data by using tools such asbusiness capability models to create an data-centric view to quicklyvisualize what data matters most to the organization, based on thedefined business strategy
Create data strategy and road maps for the Reference DataArchitecture as required by the clients
Engage all the stakeholders to implement data governance modelsand ensure that the implementation is done based on every change request
Ensure that the data storage and database technologies aresupported by the data management and infrastructure of the enterprise
Develop, communicate, support and monitor compliance with DataModelling standards
Oversee and monitor all frameworks to manage data acrossorganization
Provide insights for database storage and platform for ease ofuse and least manual work
Collaborate with vendors to ensure integrity, objectives andsystem configuration
Collaborate with functional & technical teams and clients tounderstand the implications of data architecture and maximize the valueof information across the organization
Presenting data repository, objects, source systems along withdata scenarios for the front end and back end usage
Define high-level data migration plans to transition the datafrom source to target system/ application addressing the gaps betweenthe current and future state, typically in sync with the IT budgeting orother capital planning processes
Knowledge of all the Data service provider platforms and ensureend to end view.
Oversight all the data standards/ reference/ papers for propergovernance
Promote, guard and guide the organization towards commonsemantics and the proper use of metadata
Collecting, aggregating, matching, consolidating, quality-assuring, persisting and distributing such data throughout anorganization to ensure a common understanding, consistency, accuracy andcontrol
Provide solution of RFP's received from clients and ensureoverall implementation assurance
Develop a direction to manage the portfolio of all the databasesincluding systems, shared infrastructure services in order to bettermatch business outcome objectives
Analyse technology environment, enterprise specifics, clientrequirements to set a collaboration solution for the big/small data
Provide technical leadership to the implementation of customsolutions through thoughtful use of modern technology
Define and understand current issues and problems and identifyimprovements
Evaluate and recommend solutions to integrate with overalltechnology ecosystem keeping consistency throughout
Understand the root cause problem in integrating business andproduct units
Validate the solution/ prototype from technology, cost structure andcustomer differentiation point of view
Collaborating with sales and delivery leadership teams to identifyfuture needs and requirements
Tracks industry and application trends and relates these to planningcurrent and future IT needs
Building enterprise technology environment for dataarchitecture management
Develop, maintain and implement standard patterns for datalayers, data stores, data hub & lake and data management processes
Evaluate all the implemented systems to determine theirviability in terms of cost effectiveness
Collect all the structural and non-structural data fromdifferent places integrate all the data in one database form
Work through every stage of data processing: analysing,creating, physical data model designs, solutions and reports
Build the enterprise conceptual and logical data models foranalytics, operational and data mart structures in accordance withindustry best practices
Implement the best security practices across all the data basesbased on the accessibility and technology
Strong understanding of activities within primary disciplinesuch as Master Data Management (MDM), Metadata Management and DataGovernance (DG)
Demonstrate strong experience in Conceptual, Logical andphysical database architectures, design patterns, best practices andprogramming techniques around relational data modelling and dataintegration
Enable Delivery Teams by providing optimal deliverysolutions/ frameworks
Build and maintain relationships with delivery and practiceleadership teams and other key stakeholders to become a trusted advisor
Define database physical structure, functional capabilities,security, back-up and recovery specifications
Develops and establishes relevant technical, business processand overall support metrics (KPI/SLA) to drive results
Monitor system capabilities and performance by performing testsand configurations
Integrate new solutions and troubleshoot previously occurrederrors
Manages multiple projects and accurately reports the status ofall major assignments while adhering to all project management standards
Identify technical, process, structural risks and prepare a riskmitigation plan for all the projects
Ensure quality assurance of all the architecture or designdecisions and provides technical mitigation support to the deliveryteams
Recommend tools for reuse, automation for improved productivityand reduced cycle times
Help the support and integration team for better efficiency andclient experience for ease of use by using AI methods.
Develops trust and builds effective working relationshipsthrough respectful, collaborative engagement across individual productteams
Ensures architecture principles and standards are consistentlyapplied to all the projects
Ensure optimal Client Engagement
Support pre-sales team while presenting the entire solution designand its principles to the client
Negotiate, manage and coordinate with the client teams to ensure allrequirements are met
Demonstrate thought leadership with strong technical capability infront of the client to win the confidence and act as a trusted advisor
Competency Building and Branding
Ensure completion of necessary trainings and certifications
Develop Proof of Concepts (POCs), case studies, demos etc. fornew growth areas based on market and customer research
Develop and present a point of view of Wipro on solution designand architect by writing white papers, blogs etc.
Conducting workshops for all the stakeholders, creating content,e-learning courses and ways for knowledge transfer with a platform forall the data related sources
Attain market referencability and recognition through highestanalyst rankings, client testimonials and partner credits
Be the voice of Wipro's Thought Leadership by speaking inforums (internal and external)
Mentor developers, designers and Junior architects in theproject for their further career development and enhancement
Contribute to the architecture practice by conducting selectioninterviews etc
Team Management
Anticipating new talent requirements as per the market/ industrytrends or client requirements
Hire adequate and right resources for the team
Talent Management
Ensure adequate onboarding and training for the team members toenhance capability & effectiveness
Build an internal talent pool and ensure their career progressionwithin the organization
Manage team attrition
Drive diversity in leadership positions
Performance Management
Set goals for the team, conduct timely performance reviews andprovide constructive feedback to own direct reports
Ensure that the Performance Nxt is followed for the entire team
Employee Satisfaction and Engagement
Lead and drive engagement initiatives for the team
Track team satisfaction scores and identify initiatives to buildengagement within the team
Mandatory Skills
DataBricks - Data Engineering