Wyndy LLC

Near family seeking a responsible and flexible babysitter.

Wyndy LLC, Springfield, Tennessee, United States, 37172

Make sure she is fed whenever she is hungry. When I got her she was in the 1% of her age range and we have slowly been working to improve that. If you work at night with her you cannot let her sleep throughout the night she has to be woken up so that she can sleep. She also needs a bath right before she goes to sleep and her second bottle of formula I normally put in the oatmeal rice to help her sleep and gain weight. She is on a specific formula and it's the only one she can drink. I'll be at work during this but you can call me at any time if there are any issues. My aunt is also in the next bedroom. I work with allied universal downtown at the hca corporate offices but if you need me to come back for emergencies I will.Qualifications

A love of working with children

Excellent communication skills

Ability to follow directions

Passion for helping others