Wyndy LLC

Searching for a trustworthy babysitter in Burns, TN.

Wyndy LLC, Burns, Tennessee, United States, 37029

Notes about this job: Monday, Tuesday, & Thursdays- flexible hours

Notes about the schedule: Nanny will be providing primary childcare to three littles while Mama works virtually from home. We live in home with children’s grandparents. Dad’s schedule rotates every two weeks and Mama’s hours vary. Schedule will reliably be Monday, Tuesday, & Thursdays with a strong possibility for additional times/days for Mama & Dad to have dates/go to appointments on Dad’s off days. Nanny would average 12-24 hours each week. Can start as early as 8 and end as late as 8. Most major holidays would be off.

Children information: 1 year old girl (special needs: none), 3 years old boy (special needs: none), 5 years old girl (special needs: none)Qualifications

A love of working with children

Excellent communication skills

Ability to follow directions

Passion for helping others