Chief of Staff
Complete, San Francisco, California, United States, 94199
1️⃣ About CompleteComplete helps candidates, employees and teams navigate the opaqueness of compensation. We've done this by reimagining the offer letter experience (replacing those boring PDFs ), internal rewards tools, and the compensation planning platforms themselves. Today, we work with dozens of companies, including growth-stage companies like Convex and TrueNorth, as well as established companies like Vercel and DataStax. We’ve evaluated over 5,000 salaries and employee records to help our customers retain their top talent, as well as hold their teams accountable to their own best practices.
We are looking for creative, thoughtful, and passionate team members to support our design-first team in our mission of making compensation more transparent.
CEO’s sidekick – with full access to calendar, shadowing critical meetings, leading critical business & product deliverables
Identifying user needs and translating business goals into product opportunities. Collaborating with product and founders to incorporate user and customer feedback.
The team glue
Collaborating with executive team members on new business strategies
Determining key performance indicators and how to measure team performance
2+ years of experience in Tech (preference for high growth tech companies)
High degree of communication and organization
Proactive problem solving attitude
Thrives in ambiguity and context switching between new opportunities
_ Bonus: entrepreneurial experience (or wanted to prepare for that!)
_ Bonus: takes ownership to help the team succeed
_ Bonus: experience with enterprise AND consumer applications
We are looking for creative, thoughtful, and passionate team members to support our design-first team in our mission of making compensation more transparent.
CEO’s sidekick – with full access to calendar, shadowing critical meetings, leading critical business & product deliverables
Identifying user needs and translating business goals into product opportunities. Collaborating with product and founders to incorporate user and customer feedback.
The team glue
Collaborating with executive team members on new business strategies
Determining key performance indicators and how to measure team performance
2+ years of experience in Tech (preference for high growth tech companies)
High degree of communication and organization
Proactive problem solving attitude
Thrives in ambiguity and context switching between new opportunities
_ Bonus: entrepreneurial experience (or wanted to prepare for that!)
_ Bonus: takes ownership to help the team succeed
_ Bonus: experience with enterprise AND consumer applications