Express Employment Professionals Defunct

Hydraulics Assembler

Express Employment Professionals Defunct, Waukesha, Wisconsin, United States, 53188

JOB REQUIREMENTS: Performing repetitive assembly operations to assemble small units or sub-assemblies have a limited number of parts and detail; simple fitting and adjustment requirements Manufactures pumps, motors, valves & actuators. What you\'re assembling may vary, so this requires mechanical aptitude. The product of which you are assembling may vary depending on need. Inspect, test, and adjust completed units to ensure that units meet specifications, tolerances, and customer order requirements. Position, align, and adjust parts for proper fit and assembly. Assemble parts or units, and position, align, and fasten units to assemblies, subassemblies, or frames, using hand tools and power tools. Measure parts to determine tolerances, using precision measuring instruments such as micrometers, calipers, and verniers. Read blueprints and specifications to determine component parts and assembly sequences of electromechanical units. Disassemble units to replace parts or to crate them for shipping. File, lap, and buff parts to fit, using hand and power tools. Operate or tend automated assembling equipment, such as robotics and fixed automation equipment. ***** OTHER EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS: 2 years previous hydraulics assembly experience required. ***** APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS: Apply In Person: 2717 N. Grandview Blvd., Suite 100 Waukesha, WI 53188 E-Mail a Rsum: Bobee.Bero@expresspros.com Apply Online: www.expresspros.com/waukeshawi/ Fax a Rsum: 262-347-4891 Call For Appointment: 262-264-5553 This position is listed by a private employment agency. The agency is the legal employer. No fee will be charged of the job applicant.