Morris School District

Lunchroom/Playground Aide(s)

Morris School District, Morristown, NJ, United States

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Position Type:
Support Staff/Lunchroom/Playground Aide

Date Posted:

  • Demonstrated ability to work successfully with children and adults
  • Perform assigned duties
  • Must pass 90-day probation period

  1. Supervise lunchroom activities under the direction of the building principal and assigned teaching staff.
  2. Assist in the maintenance of an orderly, safe and pleasant atmosphere in the cafeteria and on the playground by helping and supervising students during lunchtime.
  3. Maintain a system for orderly food purchase by pupils, disposal of food waste, return of trays and utensils.
  4. Circulate among the tables, playground and/or designated area so as to be available to children who need help or to resolve any minor problems that arise.
  5. Inform appropriate person of any serious infraction of discipline rules by students.
  6. Report all injuries to the school nurse.
  7. Organize groups for orderly dismissal.
  8. Assist custodians with the cleaning of tables between lunch periods.
  9. Perform other related duties as assigned by building principal.