DuPage County ROE

Lunchroom Supervisor

DuPage County ROE, Winfield, IL, United States

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Position Type:
Support Staff/Lunchroom Supervisor

Date Posted:

Pleasant Hill Elementary

Community Unit School District 200
Hourly Rate: $14.00
Hours/Day: 1-3
Work days/year: 175


The lunchroom supervisor will help establish and maintain a calm, pleasant, and safe atmosphere in the cafeteria so that students may find mealtime a time to relax after the tasks of the morning and to refresh themselves for the tasks of the afternoon.

  1. Organizes students into orderly lines for purchasing food and directs them to assigned tables.
  2. Helps students develop and observe proper dining habits, both in terms of etiquette and nutrition.
  3. Assists younger students with use of utensils when needed.
  4. Organizes students for orderly disposal of food waste, trays, and utensils.
  5. Organizes groups for orderly dismissal from the lunchroom.
  6. Circulates among the tables during the meal period so as to be available to help children who need assistance and resolve any minor problems that arise.
  7. Informs disciplinary supervisor at once of any serious infraction of disciplinary rules by students.
  8. Calls immediately for the disciplinary supervisor in the event of any serious argument involving more than two students; any incident involving physical confrontation; and any incident that appears to be of more than momentary disruption.
  9. Circulates among outside supervisory areas during recess (for K-5 students) to ensure the safety of all students.
  10. Mediate minor infractions of disciplinary actions of all students.
  11. Contact nurse for serious injuries or incidents to ensure student safety.
  12. Assist the custodian in the organization and cleanliness of the lunchroom (including participation in general cleaning).
  1. Must be prompt and dependable.
  2. Demonstrates ability to follow directions.
  3. Demonstrates ability to deal with students and staff with courtesy and patience.
  4. Maintains confidentiality in dealing with people.