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Position Overview
The History Department of DePaul University invites applications for a U.S. historian with expertise in Latino/a/x/e history, Chicano history, or borderlands history for a visiting one-year term faculty position to begin September 2025, with the possibility of renewal. The teaching load is three classes per quarter.
Primary Responsibilities
- Teach introductory courses in Latino History and American history.
- Develop an undergraduate course in the candidate’s area of specialty.
Expertise in labor, migration, critical race studies, gender, sexuality, or popular culture is a plus. The candidate must have demonstrated experience in teaching in a diverse learning environment.
About DePaul University
Located in the north side of Chicago, DePaul University is in the heart of the city. Teaching and learning are our priorities. We are the largest private university whose faculty members' priority is teaching. We're also the nation's largest Catholic university, committed to an educational experience that weaves together mind, place, people, and heart. Our students come from 49 states and 136 countries, with over 14,000 undergraduates, one-third of whom are first-generation college students.
Minimum Qualifications
The candidate should have a PhD in hand at the time of hire. DePaul seeks candidates with demonstrated cultural competencies to include teaching, service, and research in diverse learning communities.
Application Requirements
Applicants must submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, a syllabus for a course the candidate has already taught, and three letters of recommendation, at least one of which should speak directly to the applicant’s teaching experience.