Roundtree Dairy LLC
Employer:Roundtree Dairy LLC
Job Title:Animal Scientist (Multiple Openings)
Location:3232 Farver Road, Pigeon, MI 48755 (Huron County)
JOB DUTIES: Responsible for implementing animal husbandry and herd health care programs for commercial dairy operation. Specific duties include: (1) working under the direction of a licensed veterinarian to identify and treat livestock, administer medication, and maintain treatment records; (2) administering vaccinations and providing identification; (3) implementing herd health and sick/pregnant animal treatment protocols; (4) training new livestock workers on herd healthcare and mastitis detection in milking parlor; and (5) developing calving, breeding, and animal nutrition programs based on climate, physical infrastructure, feeding schedules, and related factors.
REQUIREMENTS:Bachelor’s in Veterinary Medicine, Animal Science, Agricultural Engineering, or related, and one year of livestock experience, including herd health activities.
Housing benefit available.
Interested candidates should submit a resume & cover letter to HR, Roundtree Dairy LLC, 3232 Farver Road, Pigeon, MI 48755.