Kemper County School District

High School Biology Teacher

Kemper County School District, De Kalb, Mississippi, United States, 39328

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Position Type: High School Teaching/Science - Biology

Date Posted: 3/7/2025

Location: Kemper County High School

Date Available: 07/24/2025




Classroom Teacher


Certificate, license, or other legal credential required Degree(s) required and endorsements (Biology - 181) Kind and amount of prior job experience as required by the Board Such alternatives to the above qualifications as the State Board may find appropriate and acceptable.


Superintendent of Education, Principal, Assistant Principal and other designated supervisor


To provide students with academic skills necessary to function in daily living, for achieving success on state and national achievement tests.

Performance Responsibilities Effective Teaching Practices Demonstrates knowledge of subject matter. Accommodates individual differences and learning styles. Uses a variety of instructional techniques or methods. Communicates directions clearly. Uses correct oral and written communication. Uses technology and instructional aides effectively. Demonstrates enthusiasm for teaching and learning. Addresses the varied achievement levels of students. Demonstrates concern for students as individuals. Documents instruction based on state benchmarks. School Context and Organization

Mission and Goal

Works with the Principal and other administration to articulate and promote the school system vision of learning and teaching. Sets and accomplishes goals and objectives consistent with the school system vision, mission, and goal. Uses student data to identify instructional needs and displays it in the classroom or other designated areas. Organizes daily, monthly, and yearly plans to facilitate learning and teaching in the schools. Communicates high expectations to students and parents/guardians for learning. Follows established procedures in the Mississippi Public School Accountability Standards and other applicable federal and state regulations. Follows district policies applicable to the operation as established by the Board of Education. Performs any other tasks as required by the Superintendent of Education or immediate supervisor. Reviews, signs, and follows job description. Submits daily, weekly, and other reports to the Principal or designee on progress made in meeting district and school improvement goals (Strategic Plan, Schoolwide Plan, etc.). Dresses in an appropriate and professional manner. Arrives on time and remains until the designated time to leave for all assignments Complies with school policies, State Department of Education regulations, School Board policies, and supports the school system. Attends all meetings, workshops, and in-service training programs required by the school or district. Demonstrates professional behavior at all times with the community, administrators, teachers, parents, and students. Seeks professional development activities to address personal professional growth.

Student Discipline

Follows district policies when administering student discipline for students with and without disabilities (Discipline Ladder, corporal punishment, suspensions, expulsions, etc.). Maintains appropriate and timely communication with administration concerning disciplinary referrals and/or actions (Parent Conferences, telephone calls, etc.). Maintains accurate and organized records for student discipline (Discipline Ladder, student files, discipline reports, actions, parent conferences, IEP meetings, etc.).


Implements the established schoolwide security plan (Crisis management, fire, bus, testing, daily routines, extra-curricular, etc.). Provides continuous supervision of students (classrooms, buses, recess, halls, extracurricular, etc.).


Uses appropriate grammar and syntax (verbal and written). Communicates pertinent information from meetings, conferences, and other sources in a timely and accurate manner (Staff meetings, professional development opportunities, memos, etc.). Provides a written organized monthly calendar for communicating with the Principal's office, faculty, and parents as required. Provides input into the decision-making process where appropriate (Schoolwide Plan, Strategic Plan, EEF, Textbook, Needs Assessment, etc.). Communicates school and organizational goals throughout the school year (clubs, newsletters, etc.).

Management of Educational Resources

Attends to routine tasks during initial minutes of class. Uses instructional time effectively / time on task. Promotes a positive and safe classroom environment conducive to learning. Provides for smooth transition from one activity to another. Maintains appropriate classroom discipline. Maintains poise and self control. Establishes high expectations for learning. Promotes active learner participation. Shows evidence of appropriate and positive student-teacher interaction. Monitors access and usage of the Internet. Utilizes the available technology of the school on an ongoing basis to enhance student learning. Follows all applicable purchasing laws, statutes, and procedures in securing educational materials. Determines budgetary needs for programs using needs assessments, surveys, etc. Maintains appropriate fixed asset, textbook, and classroom inventories according to district policy. Maintains upkeep and cleanliness of facilities. Recognizes students for proven student achievement and consistent student attendance. Complies with plan of improvement requirements to receive professional development (mentoring, coaching, in-class modeling, classroom observations, and visiting successful schools) when analysis of common test data and State assessment (MAP, SATP, etc.) scores show that on-going quality instruction is not taking place. Receives a termination letter if improvement is not shown based on plans of improvement. Attends school regularly. Curriculum and Instruction


Participates in meetings to align the curriculum vertically and horizontally in core subjects. Utilizes and references district and/or state mandated competencies, objectives, and/or benchmarks, (uses curriculum in lesson plans and has copies on file), frameworks, core standards, and pacing guides. Review and revises pacing guides. Participates in cross grade, departmental, and grade level planning meetings to coordinate lessons, monitor students, and share information. Submits weekly lessons plans with all requirements. Documents mastery/non-mastery of core objectives each nine weeks to identify deficiencies in the instructional program and submits to the building principal. Documents and reports to the principal completion of any progress on state benchmarks, blueprints, and writing rubrics. Uses a variety of effective teaching procedures, materials/media, and assessments appropriate for learners.


Aligns all instructional material to state benchmarks, blueprints, rubrics, and assessments. Delivers instruction connecting state benchmarks, blueprints, teaching strategies, student interventions, and other state supporting materials to the student performance requirements of the state assessment program. Shows evidence of student achievement (grade proficiency) and growth based on the Mississippi Assessment System formative and summative assessments annually. Provides guided practice activities for students. Uses interest approach to introduce lesson. Motivates students with the purpose and importance of the lesson. Provides instruction appropriate for the level of the learner. Presents lesson in an appropriate scope and sequence. Provides learners with appropriate practice on lesson content. Adjusts instruction / re-teaches as necessary. Provides appropriate lesson closure.

Student Achievement

Links state assessments to classroom instruction. Uses a variety of evaluation methods. Provides appropriate evaluation feedback to student, parents, and administrators in a timely manner. Maintains records of student performance (grade books, progress reports, rubrics, benchmarks, etc.). Shows evidence of student achievement and growth based on the Mississippi Assessment Program, Subject Area Testing, Formative and Summative Assessment annually. Writes and incorporates test items that mimic the format and level of difficulty of state test items on a daily and weekly basis. Utilizes state writing rubrics to evaluate progress on written assignments. Administers and reports progress on state practice tests as required. Reports student progress toward mastery of state required benchmark items as assessed through the state assessment program to the principal each nine week period. Makes changes in the curriculum and instructional program based upon evaluation of student achievement data (Subject Area Testing, Mississippi Assessment Program, Formative and Summative Assessments). Plans and provides interventions based upon program needs (Promotion/Retention Rates, Progress Reports, Report Cards, Child Find, Dropout Rate, Subject Area Tests, Mississippi Assessment Program, Formative and Summative Assessments). Maintains achievement levels of students scoring at all levels on state, formative, and summative assessments. Moves students into the next level of proficiency as measured by state, formative, and summative assessments. Uses a data disaggregation tool to track the progress of students each nine weeks after the administration of common nine weeks assessments. Uses a test item bank to develop and use assessment items aligned with local, state, and national standards. Family and Community Involvement

Communicates school and organizational goals periodically throughout the school year. Listens effectively to the ideas, grievances, and complaints of parents and make a reasonable effort to resolve such issues. Informs the community about school and organizational goals throughout the school year. Hosts annual Title I Meeting. Provides informational sessions to inform parents, community, and school board members of rigorous academic standards that students must meet and school reform efforts including the state's academic content and achievement standards and results of state assessments. Informs parents through letters and other advertisements, etc. of their right to be involved in sharing their input in school planning and reform efforts. Provides workshops on how to monitor their child's progress and assist with homework using assistance from parent groups. Schedules meetings and programs at a variety of times to facilitate parental involvement. Professional Development

Attends and implements professional development training to develop skills to ensure that the method of teacher delivery and instruction is effective. Receives job-embedded professional activities based on identified staff needs that include coaching, mentoring, in-class modeling, classroom observations, and visiting successful schools). (NOTE: If growth is not met and improvement is not shown, the teacher: Receives continuous assistance to improve the delivery of instruction. Receives direct instructions on areas that are inadequate and directives on how to improve performance. Receives a mentor, written copies of observation reports with suggestions for improvement.

Terms of Employment: Salary and work year will be established by the Board.

Evaluation: Performance of this job will be evaluated in accordance with provisions of the Board's policy on Evaluation of Professional Personnel.