Invoice Cloud, Inc.

Enterprise Account Director

Invoice Cloud, Inc., Jackson, Mississippi, United States,

We make life simple — for our clients and their customers. We help our clients take complex processes and digital interactions and simplify them to drive improved customer satisfaction and financial results. Our platform simplifies the process of viewing and paying bills online, consistently engaging customers and creating the highest adoption rates in the industry.We’re able to achieve all of this by creating a culture and an environment where everyone wins.What we believe

We all work together to uphold a set of CLOUDIES values:C ollaborate

No sidelines, one field of play. We don’t complain about others, we help to create solutions.L augh

Having fun is an important part of work.O pen, candid dialogue

Be candid, approachable and action oriented.U rgency

Go after the hard stuff first and with persistence.D o the right thing

Respect customers, partners, colleagues, competitors, the planet and all people.I ntegrity

Always be honest in every situation.E xcellence

Strive for excellence but don’t expect perfection.S upport for the Community

Give back in your own way, on your own terms, with company support.
