Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

Executive Director of Missions

Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, El Paso, Texas, United States,



Executive Director of Missions of the Mobile Baptist Association


Full-time Salaried Ministerial Staff

Recruited by:

Search Committee

Employed by:

Executive Committee

Supervised by:

Personnel Committee Chair

I. General Qualifications

Be a person of unquestioned Christian character and deep spiritual commitment.

Possess adequate educational background from an accredited seminary that holds Southern Baptist Convention values.

Hold strong biblical convictions affirming Baptist doctrine, practices, and polity.

Be thoroughly cooperative with the program and work of the Southern Baptist Convention and its affiliated bodies.

Have sufficient leadership experience to budget, plan, coordinate, implement and evaluate a comprehensive strategy and objectives for the evangelistic ministries of the Mobile Baptist Association.

Demonstrate proficiency and commitment to personal and corporate evangelism.

II. Primary Functions

Plan and implement an evangelistic mission strategy which leads the Association to fulfill its purpose and objectives.

Provide administrative leadership of the staff, budget, and ministries of the Mobile Baptist Association.

Minister to the churches and church leaders of the association.

III. Responsibilities

Foster a corporate culture of evangelistic ministry, mission’s awareness, and sacrificial service.

Serve as the Treasurer for the Association, discern budget priorities and processes to adequately fund our ministry areas and maintain fiscal accountability.

Counsel with all elected leaders to lead the Mobile Baptist Association ministry areas and committees to complete the strategy and objectives.

Respond to the call of the churches for assistance as the needs arise.

Work with pastors and other ministers in such areas as orientation to the association, support systems, pastoral care, conflict management, and personal development.

Supervise the work of all the employed personnel of the Association.

Serve as ex-officio member of all committees.

IV. Relationships

Seek to maintain a good working relationship with all elected leaders, committees and groups within the Association.

Help the churches fulfill their purpose/objectives; work with pastor search committees; and visit churches for routine, crises, ceremonial or functional tasks.

Maintain denominational relationships to assist them in planning, promoting, and implementing their programs as appropriate and applicable.

Strive to develop and sustain friendly relations with other denominational groups within the Mobile Baptist Association.

Maintain an appropriate relationship with business, social, government, education, religious and welfare groups to infuse Christian values and share resources for the improvement of Mobile.

Serve as a good public relations officer for the Mobile Baptist Association.

V. Remuneration

Compensation as to salary and allowances shall be commensurate with responsibilities and in accordance with the ability of the association to pay. See GENERAL POLICIES for more details.

Other benefits such as holidays, vacations, sick leave, retirement, insurance, convention expenses, and Christmas bonus will be agreed upon or are set forth in the GENERAL POLICIES.

The Executive Director of Missions will be allowed as many as two revivals each year and up to four weeks in world mission and/or leadership conferences; other outside activities would be cleared with the Personnel Committee Chair.

Revised August 2005
